Back At The Tower

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Aurora pov

I stopped walking when we were in front of the tower. I had to prepare myself. Mentally. I already saw the mad faces because I left again. Well, I already knew I was a disappointment. People already said that to me.

I looked at Clint. "Do I really have to?" I asked. He nodded.

"Look, just walk inside, listen to whatever they tell you and you can go and do whatever you want," he said.

I have to be honest, he got a point there. I looked around and we walked in.

Clint pov

We walked inside. I already knew what was going to happen. They all didn't like the fact that Aurora walked away. Again. I couldn't blame her for it though.

At least half of the team didn't like her, that just because of who she was. While if you got to know her, you'd find out that she was sweet, caring and funny.

We walked through the hallways until we got to the living room. Most of the team was sitting there, like I expected. They indeed didn't seem very happy.

I looked at Aurora. "It will be fine," I whispered.

We walked in. "Here she is," I said.

"And?" Tony asked.

"No trouble, only an arrow less".

I saw a little smirk on her face when I said that. I grabbed a drink and sat down.

Tony pov

I looked at Aurora. I still didn't know what to think of her. She's funny and stuff, but also reckless. Not that I'm the right person to say that.

"Well?" I said. "I'm waiting, we're all waiting".

I saw that Pietro was going to say something. I gave him a face and looked back at Aurora.

"So?" She said. "Yeah I was out at night. It's not like I caused any trouble. You can go and check. Nothing except his arrow -she nodded to Clint- is broken, no one died". I had to give it to her, she was right.

"That doesn't give you a reason to be out at night," Steve said.

Oh now you've done it..

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now