The Mission

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Aurora pov

We were all sitting in the jet. I looked around while eating some food. It was like, 5 or 6 am. I didn't, I forgot it. I yawned. I didn't have much sleep last night so I was a little bit tired, but I tried to hide it.

Third person pov

"Here we are," Clint said while landing the jet.

Everybody looked up. They all went out of the jet and looked around. Everybody knew what they had to do.

"Well go lead us through, Aurora," Steve said. "Prove we can trust you." He sighed silently.

Aurora nodded. Bucky kicked in the door and Aurora immediately went in. She listened to the sounds and looked around. Then she started walking.

"So, what exactly can we expect?" Nat asked.

"Civilians who are being hold and hydra agents mostly," Bucky said.

Aurora stopped walking when she heard a sound. She grabbed a knife and threw it. A agent fell down who tried to sneak on them. She looked at the others and continued walking. Steve looked at the agent.

Steve pov

I sighed when I saw the agent. I told Aurora many times to not kill people, but she never seemed to listen. What was going on inside that head of hers? Why is she so stubborn?

I felt a hand on my arm. It was Nat. She nodded that I had to keep walking, otherwise I could get lost. I mean, Aurora didn't look like she wanted to stop.

I started walking again, when a question came up in my head. How did she know the way so well? Wanda looked at me and shrugged. She probably looked in my head again.

Tony pov

We were walking when we got attacked. Everybody started fighting the agents. They were with a lot.

After an hour of fighting we were done, got now. But then we heard something weird. A cry. It sounded like it was a little kid.

"Everybody look for that kid," Steve said.

We all started searching. I looked by some crates when I found the little boy. He couldn't be older than 2 or 3 years. I picked him up and walked back.

"Found him," I said.

"Great," Aurora said. "We really can use another child now, like we don't have enough already."

I sighed.

"Someone stays here and looks after the kid," I said while giving the kid to Aurora.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Aurora said. "I'm not taking care of him, now on my own. You don't even know the way around here."

"Doesn't matter, we'll figure it out. Pietro stay here with them," I said while starting to walk again.

"You're giving that kid a death sentence," Rhodes said while following me.

"Well, as long as we don't trust her, is this a better option," I responded.

"She will never be able to prove herself in this way," Clint said.

I shrugged. I didn't care. I wasn't going to take care of that kid. And in this way she was capable of proving herself. If she just protected the kid and didn't kill him, then others would believe more that she's good. She always drops kids and innocent people to get whatever she wants, so maybe she can prove now she won't always do that.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now