Happy Cleaning

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Third person pov

"So, you hit Barton with a bat?" Tony asked.

The Avengers were having breakfast together, except for Clint and Bruce. They were still in the medbay. Aurora sighed and looked at him.

"Yes, I did, do I have to say it in Spanish?" She asked.

"No that's not needed," Tony said.

"But why?" Rhodes asked after a silence.

"It was meant to be Pietro..." Aurora started.

"Why me?" Pietro asked.

"Because you were annoying and opened the curtains. I hate it when people open my curtains," she said.

"That's not a rea-" Wanda began.

"Anyways," Aurora continued. "I expected that Pietro was going to come back like always so I waited with a bat."

"But then Clint walked in and when he was on the ground you realised that it was him?" Sam said.


A few started to chuckle others sighed. It was typically, because why would something go well for once. Steve looked at Aurora and he wasn't exactly happy.

"Don't look at me like that popsicle," Aurora said.

"Well, he always just does whatever he wants," Tony said.

"Shut up both of you, I heard enough for a whole week."

"Make me," Aurora challenged Steve.


"Come on, you started it."


Aurora decided that she didn't like the answer she got. She waited a minute and then threw some food at him. He looked up, mad.

"Seriously Moore?!" He said, it was almost yelling.

"Well, she made her point," Tony said.

"It's very clear now," Pietro said. "Look, just do it back."

"Shut up Speedy," Aurora said while throwing something at him.

Pietro threw something back. It started to become a food fight. Some decided to join, like Tony, Thor and Wanda, others left the table fast, like Rhodes and Bucky. Steve stood up.

"Everybody stop it! It's a waste of food and you're going to clean it up by yourself!" He yelled. "Aurora, you have cleaning duty!"

"Why me?" She asked

"Because you started it!"

"Tha is to Pietro it became a fight."

"Pietro, you're helping her, after this you can both check if there's help needed with cleaning up from the party."

"You really do hate us don't you?" Aurora asked.

He said nothing back and just walked away. The others also left fast. Before they knew they were left with two. They both sighed and stood up.

Aurora pov

We started with searching. We literally took half an hour to find the cleaning stuff, and that while Pietro has superspeed and can look through the whole building real fast.

We started with bringing the dishes to the kitchen and clean them. It was boring so we put on some music and started to sing and talk. It became more fun in that way.

We were back in the dining room cleaning the table and everything that fell on the ground. Pietro started to use the broom as a microphone, it was hilarious.

"Well, it's less horrible in this way," I said.

"Yeah indeed," Pietro responded.

"I still think Rogers hates me."

"More like us Rory."

"Yeah maybe you're right."

"Come here."

We were almost done and he grabbed my wrist. He pulled me closer and we started to dance together. I chuckled. I laid my head on his chest. After a while I looked up.

He smiled and I gave a smile back. He leaned in when someone walked in. We both startled and let each other go while looking at the person who walked in.

"It's your job to clean, not to dance," Steve said.

"We're almost done," Pietro said.

"And we are cleaning, so it's our problem, especially if it causes that we are longer busy," I added.

Pietro nodded in agreement. Steve looked around and sighed. He gave a little not of approval. I tilted my head curiously.

"You guys indeed are almost done, after this you can go to the party room thing," he said.

"Oh come on," Pietro said.

"You got to be kidding me," I responded.

"It's not fair, we cleaned up our own mess," Pietro said.

"I don't care," Steve said.

"Neither do I about the party room," I said.

"You're going and that's final," he said while walking out.

"Yes dad," I mumbled.

Pietro probably heard it because he started to laugh. We finished cleaning and walked to the party room. I mentally prepared myself before I walked in and we opened the doors.

"Oh thank god," I said.

"We're had to go here, for nothing?" Pietro said.

"And Rogers get mad when we pull a joke like this," I said with a sigh. "Damn I hate him."

"Yeah me to Rory," Pietro said with slight chuckle.

He grabbed his phone again and started the music again. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. I laughed and so did he. We started dancing. Sometimes slowly which surprised me. Sometimes it was spinning around a lot. It was a lot of fun.

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