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Aurora pov

I stood up since I was sitting on the ground. I sighed and looked at my friends.

"I don't want to go," I said.

"It will be fun, and otherwise you can leave if you still don't like it," Nat said. "But Wanda is probably going to get you."

"Why?" I asked.

"She always likes it to choose the outfits of others."

"Oh for the love of god."

They both chuckled. We trained a bit more and left the training room. I was taking a shower when I heard a knock on my bathroom door. Who the hell got in?

"Who is it?" I asked

"Pietro and Wanda," Pietro said.

"Don't you dare to come in."

"Don't worry ma'am, I won't."

I chuckled and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and put my hair in a towel. I opened the door and looked at them. Pietro turned around immediately.


"Well, I wanted to look for outfits and Pietro just brought me," Wanda said.

"Yeah Nat warned, give me a second," I responded.

I closed the door again and sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I changed and dried my hair. I brushed it after and looked at myself. I threw the towels in the laundry basket and walked put again. Wanda was looking in my closet and Pietro was throwing a ball against the wall.

"You guys could've done something else," I said.

"Neh, I wanted to see what clothes you have. It's terrible,' Wanda said.

"Ouch," Pietro said.

"I have feelings you know," I added. "But I'm not going to go shopping."

Before I knew it were Wanda and Pietro gone. A few seconds later I was in the mall myself. I sighed. Why was I even surprised?

"Let's go," Wanda said and she grabbed my hand and dragged me to a shop.

After looking in shops and fitting a lot of stuff I got a few bags of clothes. Ofcourse we weren't only going to get clothes for the party, no I needed a new closet. I sighed and looked at the bags. I did like most stuff so I guess that it was fine.

We walked out of the last store. Wanda finally decided that she was done shopping and we started walking back. We got icecream on our way back. We were eating it while walking.

"So, you're really going?" Pietro asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I responded.

"Faire point."

"Come on, stop overreacting it isn't going to be that bad," Wanda said.

"Let's hope so," I said.

Pietro pov

I ran to Aurora's room and knocked. She didn't come and knowing her she wasn't going to unless someone got her. So I volunteered.

"Who is it?" She asked.


"Come in."

I walked in and looked around. She was sitting in her bed and I sighed. She didn't even get ready. Was I going to get Wanda and Nat or do this by myself? I closed the door and sat down next to her.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"I don't like party's."

"And the clothes?"

"The clothes are fine, the party probably isn't."

"Look, just get ready and I'll bring you, if you don't like it then we will leave."

"You'll join?"

I nodded. Ofcourse I was. I wasn't going to lie to her and I knew that in this way she would easier agree. She stood up and walked out. I was waiting outside when she came out. I smiled at her.

"You look beautiful Rory."

"Thanks," she said shyly with a shy smile.

I picked her up and ran downstairs. I stopped in front of the door and put her down. I gave her my arm and smiled. She took it and we walked in.

"Everything will be fine."

Aurora pov

"Everything will be fine," Pietro said.

Yeah sure. Ofcourse it would be. There's a reason I didn't want to go. First of all, I wasn't that much of a social or party human being. Second, I didn't have that much of a good experience with party's.

We walked to the bar and got a drink. After that we walked to the others. I was sure about one thing, I was going to drink a hell of a lot. Otherwise I was going to just run away. Na-ah I was gonna go it without drinks.

I looked at the others. They really did look like they were having a lot of fun. I sighed and looked at Pietro. He gave me a smile and we sat down by the others. I drank my drink.

"And? Do you like it?" Tony asked.

"Ehm, well, ehm I don't know. I'm not really a party person," I responded.

He acted shocked and I chuckled.

"Watch out before you choke for real," Clint said.

"Don't worry, I won't," Tony said.

"We should dance," Thor said.

I looked at him.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"We should dance, come on, it's fun," he said and he stood up.

He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked at Pietro and tried to pull myself back but he laughed and pushed me away. Such a great offer- I mean friend.

Thor started dancing and I couldn't help but laughing. He looked like a giant idiot. But I decided to join him anyways. It wasn't that bad.

I sat back down after dancing for a time. I was tired, or I just wanted to stop. I joined the conversation, but ofcourse that went wrong because why wouldn't it.

"Stark you're drunk," I said.

"Come on, it's true," he said.

"Just shut up, please."

"You're an orphan."

"This is exactly the reason why I didn't want anyone to know it!"

I started to become a discussion. It ended up with me walking out, even though it was more running than walking. I went outside for some fresh air.

Iknew they weren't going to like it but I didn't care. I was on the roof so still on the damn building. Even if I left the building, I was an adult and it was none of their business.

I sat down on the edge and sighed. I looked at the sky, I looked at the stars and moon. I remembered what my grandma told me when my parents died. She said that they were stars ever since.

I ofcourse knew that that wasn't true, but it was a peaceful thought. God what was life hard, especially without them. I missed them every single day, I also thought about them every single day.

I looked down and sighed again. I never even did anything wrong to loose my parents at the young age I did. I was like, 6 or something. Old enough to remember them, but too young to have done enough with them to let them go. I buried my face in my hands.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now