Can't You See That All I Ask Is To Trust Me

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Aurora pov

We were looking at the sin going down. I smiled at it and then at Pietro who had still bos chin on my shoulder. He have me a smile back and kissed me. I turned around in his arms and kissed him back while wrapping my arms around his neck. After a while we both pulled back for air.

"You want to go back?" He asked.

"I don't really think so, but I'm afraid we have to".

"Not yet," he said while stroking my cheek.

"Well, they will be mad if we get back too late".

"We are adults, they aren't our bosses".

"You got a point there".

We sat down on the grass and I turned back to the sun. I always enjoyed looking at the sunset. It was beautiful and people on the streets were more relaxed, I had no idea why. Maybe that was just one of my own stupid illusions.

After a while it got darker and colder. We both looked at each other and Pietro stood up. After that he helped me until I stood on my feet. I looked at him and he looked back.

"We should go, Rory. It's getting cold".

"Yeah you're right. Let's go".

He picked me up and ran back to the compound. We stopped in front and he put me down. I grabbed his and and we walked into the building. I looked around and we went upstairs with the elevator. There was stupid music so I sighed.

"What is it?" Pietro asked.

"Just the stupid elevator music".

"Yeah, I know. Sadly it's in the most elevators," he said with a slight chuckle. "Just ignore it".

"Yeah I know. I'm trying to".

The elevator stopped and we walked out. Through the hallways to the living room. I looked through a window to see most of the team sitting there. Great. That's just great. I sighed and we walked in. Everyone's head turned to us.

Third person pov

The teams heads turned when they heard the door just to see Pietro and Aurora standing there hand in hand. Some sighed in relieve, others in annoyance.

"Well the lovebirds are back," Tony said.

"Told you they were fine," Wanda said.

"Indeed there was no need in worrying," Nat said.

"Where were you?" Steve asked.

"Jeez give the kids a break," Clint said.

"It's actually an important question," Rhodes said.

"They don't own you any explanation," Thor said.

"Maybe not kn Asgard but this is earth mighty god," Tony said.

"I indeed am mighty," Thor said.

"Guys maybe this isn't the time for a discussion," Bucky said.

"Yeah indeed, let's listen to him for once," Sam said.

"I'm still waiting for an answer," Steve said.

"And we are still waiting for a freaking chance".

Everyone looked up to see a very pissed of Aurora.

"We were just at a nearby field looking at the sun because there was peace there. Not like here," she said with a very pissed face and voice.

"Can't I even ask a question without getting an attitude?" Steve asked.

"No actually. Because I always have asked for one thing and I couldn't even get that! I always have to explain myself and answer your stupid questions! But whenever I ask for 1 thing it's a no!" She shouted.

"What did you ask for then?!" Tony said.

"Are you blind? Can't you see that all I ask is to trust me?!"

Everyone went silent. They looked at each other and then at Aurora. No one could bring out a si glen word to what Aurora just said. She sighed and shook her head disappointed.

"No, ofcourse not," she said. "What could I expect? The most in this room are just selfish even though not everyone wants to admit it. I'm done with this crap".

And with that she turned around and walk away. Pietro wanted to go after her but she said not to bother. He sighed and looked at the others.

"Well, great job," he said.

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