Well Done Stark

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Aurora pov

We went to the living room and sat down, Nat and Wanda joined us. At first there was a discussion about what movie we were going to watch. We ended up watching a horror movie. I disagreed, I hate horror movies but it got the most votes.

Pietro got some snacks and we started to watch. We decided that had to sit next to Bucky's metal arm, so I could squeeze that one. I did that.

We were half an hour in the movie when I heard footsteps. I didn't look up because I wanted to watch the movie I didn't like. Then we heard talking.

Third person pov

"Bucky, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Holding hands with Aurora I see," Tony said.

Aurora and Bucky looked at each other and then at their hands, they let go fast.

"What do you need guys," Aurora said.

Steve walked over to them and sat down on a chair. Aurora sighed. She didn't want any drama she just wanted to watch a movie.

"We want to apologize," Steve said.

"We?" Tony asked.

"Yes we," Steve responded and he looked at Aurora.

"Okay good for you," she said. "You can go now."

"That's it? Good for you?" Tony asked.

"Yes, that's it. I want to watch the movie before you guys ruin it," Aurora responded.

They sighed and looked at each other. Steve stood up and was about to walk out.

"You guys haven't even said sorry yet," Pietro said.

"Well, we don't want to ruin the movie, right?" Tony said.

"Don't worry you already did," Aurora said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really."

Aurora stood up and looked at Tony. He walked over to her. Then Thor pulled Tony back and Bucky Aurora. No one wanted another fight.

"You know, I still haven't heard a sorry," she said. "I don't even know why you guys want to apologize."

"Because Tony said something he shouldn't have said," Bruce said. "And Steve shouldn't have blamed you and fight you."

"But why are you telling me this, I was always told that you have to apologize by yourself," Aurora said.

"Sorry," Tony said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah like I'm going to buy that," she responded.

"Your parents really haven't teached you any manners or accepting an apology," Tony said, clearly pissed and he walked close to her.

Aurora looked up at him since she was shorter. She sighed and looked down.

"I'm up here," Tony said. "Another thing they haven't teached you."

Aurora looked at him, right in the eye. Her eyes were a bit watery. She sighed and chuckled a second. She bit her lip before she started to talk.

"Well, it's not like they had a chance," she said after a long silence. "They're dead."

She pushed Tony aside and walked out, but it was more running than walking. Everyone looked shocked. They looked at Tony.

"Well done Stark," Clint said. "You exposed Aurora."

"Well in my defense.." Tony started.

"Don't even think about trying to defense yourself," Steve said.

Everyone looked up, because Steve stood up for Aurora.

"Someone should check on her," Wanda said.

"Yeah, before she kills herself or destroys her room," Pietro added.

Nat and Bucky both stood up and walked to her room, leaving the others alone. They all looked at each other or Tony.

"You messed this one up," Sam said.

Aurora pov

I ran into my room. I kicked some stuff in the hallways, I don't remember what. I also decided to kick stuff in my room, I don't even know why.

I didn't want them to know it, and even if I wanted to, than was this not the way. It wasn't even any of their business anyways.

I was throwing a ball against the wall when I heard a knock. I looked up. They followed me? So they cared or wanted to make it worse. I sighed. I walked to the door and opened it.

"What do yo-"

I didn't finish my sentence. I was surprised. I saw Nat and Bucky standing there. I looked at them.

"Can we come in?" Nat asked.

I looked inside my room at the mess I made. I sighed but then they already walked in so I didn't really have a choice anymore. I sighed while closing the door.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"We came here to check up on you," Nat said.

"Well, I'm fine," I said.

"Sure, I'll buy that," Bucky said while looking at the mess.

"I'm a messy person."

"No you're not," he said.

They both looked at me and I sat down on my bed. Nat sat down on the side of my bed and Bucky on a chair.

"Look I'm fine. I just have to clean everything up. I already accepted my past," I said.

"No you haven't," Bucky said.

"Excuse me?"

"Mine are also dead, Aurora. I know what it looks like when you accepted it and when you haven't. You clearly haven't which is fine, because we can help you, I can help you."

I sighed. I looked at my clothes. I felt that they both were looking at me so I slowly looked up. They both smiled a little, it was a warm smile. I smiled a bit back.

"Look, what just happened sucks, but we are going to help you Rory," Nat said. "Starting with helping you to clean everything up."

I nodded. Maybe they really did want to help me. Now I also understood why Steve doesn't want to lose Bucky, he's a nice and good friend.

We started cleaning my room. We put on some music and laughed a lot. At one point I didn't feel like cleaning so I started dancing and they joined.

Even though I don't like cleaning, that did make my day better. At that moment they also both became better friends of mine, and I started to trust them after that.

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