Scary Meeting

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Aurora pov

We were a few days further since the kiss. We haven't talked about it, we haven't even talked ever since and it's killing me. What is this crap, a joke? Am I a joke to him? God boys are stupid.

I was walking to my room to take a shower. We had just gotten back from a dramatic mission. It was a lot arguing and more trying to kill each other. I'm not lying when I say that I almost threw something at Tony so he would fall out of the freaking sky.

The mission also failed, probably because of the stupid drama so now after everyone took a shower, we were going to have to mentally prepare ourselves. You know, for Fury. He was going to be mad as hell. I was doubting if I should hide in my room or hide everything he could use to kill someone.

So I took a shower and was busy with my hair when I heard a knock. I sighed and told them to come in. Then I heard another knock on my bathroom door. So I told them again to come in. That was the moment that I saw Pietro again, meaning that we were going to talk.

"Hey Rory," he said.


"That mission was ehm, pretty much ehm.."

"You mean failed? Stupid? Like you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You kissed me, and then you ignored me, that's pretty stupid don't you think."


He looked at me, the stuff I got in my hand and around me that I probably could grab fast and then away.

"What is it, your first time you liked a girl and actually kissed her? Are you scared now because this isn't highschool?"


My eyes widened when I realized it. Damn, I was right. It was his first time, or it was different than highschool. He was scared. I knew I was scary but come on. I put the hairbrush down and looked at him.

"Pietro look at me I'm not going to kill you."


"Yes, really. A little bit more trust is completely welcome."

He looked back at me and I walked to him. I gave him a smile and he smiled a little bit back. Then I hugged him. I could literally feel that he was surprised, but he did hug me back. I looked at him again.

"I think you should be more scared of Fury than this, because that would mean that you're scared of me and I don't like that idea."

"Yeah you're right," he said with a slight chuckle. "Well, this might sound stupid now, but so you want to-"

"Ofcourse silly, you didn't have to ask that anymore after that kiss."

I chuckled and he smiled. We both looked up when heard Friday. We had to go face Fury. I wasn't always sure about stuff in my life, but I was sure about this, I did not want this.

Pietro picked me up and ran to the room we had to be. I put me down and we both sat down next to each other. We looked at others who also slowly came walking in while preparing themselves. That was the moment that Fury walked in.

Third person pov

Fury walked in and he did not look happy. He looked at the Avengers and sighed. They had to make everything up because it simply said couldn't stay this way.

"So, who wants to do the report?" He asked.

"Well there isn't much to say except that Moore grabbed Steve's shield and threw it at me," Tony said.

"Well, in my defense, he was looking for it and didn't fall out of the sky," Aurora said.

"I wasn't looking for it."

"You always are, you still don't know that?"

"Watch your mouth or-"

"Or what?"

It stayed silent after that. Tony and Aurora looked pissed at each other, the others looked at them and Fury.

"Are they staring?" Wanda asked.

"I guess that it's a contest," Nat added.

"Very surprising, the kids act like kids," Steve said.

"Ha! I won!" Aurora said after Tony blinked.

"Really Moore?" Fury asked.

Aurora looked up. She slowly turned her head at him and gave an little innocent smile.

"Whaaat?" She said innocent.

"All of you get the hell away, you guys are going to have to make it up. You are the damn Avengers so be a team and be the damn Avengers," Fury said.

He gave them one last look and walked out. Everyone looked at each other and slowly left.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now