I'm Done With This Crap

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Aurora pov

I walked into my room and grabbed my backpack. I fast grabbed some clothes and other stuff I might need when I was back in that world. Yes, back. I've already been there, on the streets, before I got here.

Even though it would be different this time. I'm older so I probably could get a job, and I've got money now so I won't have to steal my food or sneak somewhere to get shelter whenever I'm going to sleep.

I always thought that my life finally became better, except it didn't. The most here didn't trust, respect or like me. I've fought, I've tried, I've proven, and it still wasn't good enough. So what does it take, to please them?!

I was almost done with packing my stuff when I heard a knock. I ignored it and kept going on with packing in. I sighed when I heard another knock and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Pietro.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine".

"You didn't even let me finish my question".

"No need to. I'm fine Pietro."


I sigjed and looked at him. God why was I such a bitch sometimes. He turned around to walk away but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. I hugged him and I felt him wrap his arms around me. We stood there for a few minutes. I looked at him and gave a little smile.

"I'm fine. And don't blame yourself or something, because it isn't your fault, okay?"


I turned around to walk back.


"Yeah?" I turned back.

"Maybe it's a bit early but I love you".

"I love you to".

We looked at each other and then I walked back into my room and sighed. I couldn't help smile a little. Now he was making it really hard for me to leave. I packed the last things and turned off the light of my room.

I looked around the that no one was there. I walked to the elevator and went in there. I saw Clint coming up and he ran in and joined me. Crap.

"Where are you going," he asked.

"No where, why would you think I'm leaving?"

"I don't know, mayne because of the back."


"I know you longer than today Aurora, you can tell and trust me. I won't tell anyone anything."

"I'm done with this crap."

"What crap?"

"That almost no one accepts or trusts me. I've done everything in my power to prove myself, but it still wasn't good enough. I'm done with trying to prove myself just to not please them. They don't even care about me."

"Yes they-"

"No they don't Clint. At least half of the team doesn't like me or fakes it. Damn, I thought Stark liked me, but he was probably faking is because now he was acting like a total dickhead again."

"It's Tony Stark we're talking about."

"The same with Rogers."

"But is leaving going to make it better? Running away? Or 'escaping' like you probably call it?"

"Yes, it is. I was way better of on the stupid streets. And I've got money now, I'm older, I can probably get a job and an apartment. I'll be fine."

"If you really say so. But give me te address."

"Don't worry, ofcourse I will, I'll also give it to Pietro."

"Alright, call me if you need anything."

"I will."

He gave me a hug and I hugged back. The doors of the elevator opened and I walked out. Clint joined me and stopped by the door. I walked out of the doors and felt how he was looking after me. I sighed. Well, this was going to be an adventure.

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