I Have An Idea

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Nat pov

I was looking at the others. They were discussing, again. I had to be honest, it started to become annoying. They are saying that Clint, Pietro and I keep somethinh behind. Which is true, but still. It's pretty annoying.

They didn't even have the right to act like that. I mean, it was their fault that Aurora left, not ours. So why did we have to listen to this crap and suffer. Aurora clearly wanted to be left alone and I get that, but they just don't seem to be willing to except that.

Clint pov

They say that the three of us know where Aurora is staying and that we have to tell them. But that isn't going to happen, no matter what they say or do. We got trusted for a reason, and I'm not going to break Aurora's trust.

But clearly they wanted us to, which was stupid and I think a bit selfish. I mean come on, she left with a reason, respect that. Oh wait, they couldn't respect her. God why was I still sitting there and listening to this stupid fight. I had better stuff to do.

Pietro pov

All this as been very... complicated. Rory left three months ago, and even though I didn't completely like it, I get it. She didn't get the treatment she deserved. But now the others have been questioning us for the past three months. Wanda wanted to read my mind, but I stopped her.

They really were stupid enough to think that I was going to tell where she was. They guessed right that I know where she is, but wrong that I was going to tell her. I was kinda surprised that she didn't tell Wanda, Thor or Bucky. Maybe she would do that later, or she just didn't want too much people to know it.

I didn't know, I wasn't able to look in minds like my sister so I had to guess everything. But right now I had a feeling that Wanda was going to read my mind, which didn't make me happy. We wouldn't use our powers against each other. So right at that moment I just wanted to stand up and walk or run out.

Third person pov

"I'm pretty sure they know," Tony said.

"We don't, well, I don't," Nat said.

"Oh shut up, you guys were good friends. You were probably like a mentor and yeah, you are her boyfriend."

"Who said that I still am," Pietro said.

"Oh come on, the way you act?"

"You know what Stark.."

"He's right Pietro, I read it in your mind," Wanda said.

"Oh Wanda come on! We have a rule!"

"Yeah well I needed to know, we needed to know!"

"So you just look in my mind?"

"Well since you aren't telling me anything anymore, I have to do it this way!"

"You don't have to do anything, I don't see anyone forcing you!"

"Guys there is no point in fi- hey Bucky where are you going," Steve started as Bucky stood up and started to walk out.

"Does it matter?" He asked.

"Well, you're my best friend so-"

"I'm just going outside, no need to be worried Steve."

"Nice attitude," Steve mumbled.

"Don't like the fact that he'stalking back?" Tony asked.

"You know what? I'm also leaving," Nat said while standing up.

"No Romanoff sit back," Tony said.

"I can make.my own decision thank you Stark."

"Hey sit back, Barton you too!"

"Guess it's only you kind," Steve said.

"Nope," Pietro responded as he stood up and ran away.

"Oh come on!" Tony said.

"We could try and call her," Steve suggested.

"Do you know how a phone works then?"

"I've been out of the ice long enough-

"Enough with this crap!"

Everyone looks up to see Fury walking in, not looking happy. He still had Aurora's cup and he looks at the members of the team that still was standing or sitting in the conference room.

"I have an idea."

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now