Big Green Guy

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Third person pov

It was a few days later. Aurora and Tony haven't talked to each other since the ruined movie. She did become better friends with Nat and Bucky.

It all started as a normal day. Some training, running laps, practicing shooting skills and sparring. Except Tony didn't join, he was somewhere else busy with they didn't even know what.

Aurora jumped on Pietro's back again, but this time Steve could laugh about it. Loki pulled out his leg in front of Pietro so they both fell. They all laughed about it.

After training Aurora decided to go to the lab. Bruce asked for her help since she's actually pretty smart and creative.

Aurora pov

I walked into the lab since Bruce asked for some help. I looked around, it was actually pretty cool around here. I was going to come there more often for sure. I saw Bruce and walked over to him.

"What can I help you with, doc?" I asked and I leaned on a table.

He was pretty busy with something, I didn't know yet what it was. He startled and looked up when he heard me. He gave me a little smile.

"Sorry, I was busy," he said rubbing the back of his head.

"It's fine, I should've knocked."

"But thank you for coming, Rory. I could use some help with this. I mean, you have pretty big brains and you're pretty creative."

"And Tony isn't here to help you."


"Tony isn't here to help you, normally you would have asked him. But it's fine I'm honored."

We both just smiled a bit. I walked to the other side of the table and looked at what he was doing. Then I started thinking and helping him.

Everything went fine, until we smelled something. I looked around and before we knew it we both flew through the lab.

I bumped my head against something, I didn't know what. I rubbed it. Ouch. I felt blood. I looked around but everything was blurry. At that moment I realised I heard someone breathe heavily.

"Bruce?" I asked. "Bruce! Where are you?"

"Go away!" I heard. It wasn't exactly talking and it was lower than Bruce's voice.

Everything became more visible and I tried to stand up. I saw little fires and had flashes to my past. I walked while leaning on stuff, god it hurted.

After walking around for a while I found Bruce. He was lying on the ground and I saw some green. Now I understood why he said I had to leave. But it was to late. He transformed into the hulk.

I looked up at the big green guy standing in front of me. The pain left probably because of the adrenaline. He looked at me and I looked back. Then I started running through the lab. He followed me.

While I had to jump over, or run around or slide under stuff with pain, did he just throw it aside. This wasn't exactly fair, but hey, neither is life. Otherwise I wouldn't be running away from a big green angry guy.

I ran out of the lab through the hallway. I didn't want to hurt him so my pistols and knifes were useless. Not that they were useful at all. I forgot that we had stairs, so I literally fell and rolled of them. As if I didn't have enough pain already.

I was sure I broke some bones and that half of the building was destroyed by now, but I kept running. Sometimes I found stuff and I would throw that at him, but that only made him more angry.

Normally I always found someone, but now it just looked like everybody left the building. Then I saw Loki, I ran to him and he looked shocked, he disappeared after. So now I still had to keep running.

I felt like I was going to pass out, my eyes were watery because of the fear and pain but I kept running. I started to scream for help.

"Someone! Help! The hulk is following me!"

But I didn't think anyone heard me. I couldn't take the elevator because I would be dead by then. I had no idea how the hulk didn't catch up on me but it didn't matter, I had to keep running. But at that moment I tripped over something.

Ouch! I could barely breathe. I had never ran that much in my life. I felt that I was bleeding and I didn't feel my legs anymore. I wasn't able to stand up. I looked up with tears on my cheeks and saw the hulk. I prepared for the worst.

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