Preparing The Mission

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Aurora pov

"I'm not a kid," I mumbled.

I looked around at the others. They were all silent. Then I looked at the file I got. I opened it, there was no point in ignoring it. I didn't want more trouble. I felt eyes on me and looked up.

"Ehm, can I help with something?" I asked.

"You're not joining," Steve said.

"Why not? Is it because of the burn?" Thor asked

"You childish popsicle," I said.

"Popsicle, I like that nickname," Tony said.

Almost everyone started talking through each other, even tho it was more a discussion. I looked at everyone and sighed. Then I looked in the file again. I startled.

"You guys really are going to need me," I said while looking further in the file.

"How so?" Sam asked.

I went back to the page where I startled. They all looked at me. I turned the papers around and pointed.

"I've been there," I said and I saw a few shocked faces for a few seconds. "I know the way, I can perfectly help. And I don't care if you trust me or not" I continued while looking at Steve for a few seconds. "I am joining. It's a maze there and you can use all the help you can get. I'll prove that you can trust me".

"And what if you betray us?" Bruce asked.

"Then you can lock me up," I said completely serious.

I stood up and grabbed the files. I noticed how everyone looked at me. Some with an 'I don't trust you face', some with an 'I'm proud face, some were neutral some were thinking some were shocked. Not that I cared. I walked out of the room and went to my one.

Tony pov

I looked her after as she walked out. So we were going to need the. Well, we all could've known this was going to happen some day. And she said that we could lock her up if she betrayed us, and she won't breake her promise, if I did learn something than it was that she doesn't break promises.

"Well, let's make a plan," Nat said.

Everyone agreed. We discussed for like an hour or something. We got up with a plan of attack, including Aurora. I volunteered to tell Aurora, so I stood up. I went to her room and knocked.

Aurora pov

I looked at the files and figured out that the rest would come up with a plan, I wasn't really of making the plans, I preferred to just follow it, and improvise whenever we're in trouble. I was practicing my magic when I heard a knock. I jumped on my bed.

"Come in," I said. Tony came in.

"We have a plan," he said. "Can I sit down?"

He nodded to a char. I looked at it and then at him. I nodded and he sat down. He cleared his throat and started to explain. I listened patiently.

He explained everything. From the way we were going to use to get the, to the order we were going. When he was done he smiled.

"You get it?" He asked. I nodded and he stood up.

"You shouldn't make it to late, we're leaving early," he said and he walked to the door.

Iooked after him as he walked out. I looked at the clock and sighed. I then laid down. I didn't feel like coming out of my room anymore, so I just stayed there the rest of the day.

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