A Criminal's Life

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Aurora pov

I woke up the next morning. I opened my eyes and saw that I had fallen asleep om the couch, we both had. I slowly sat up to not wake up Pietro. I rubbed my eyes and startled when I heard gis voice.

"Morning princess," he said.

"Morning," I said back. "Did I wake you up?"

"No don't worry, I already had woken up."

"Oh, alright then. You want some food?" I asked while standing up and walking to the fridge.

"Yeah if it's possible."

"Oh crap," I mumbled when I gave a look inside the fridge.

"What is it?"

"We uhm, we don't exactly have anything."

He looked up and walked over here to look by himself.

"I guess that we'll have to get it then," he says while closing the fridge.


"I can run and get some food."

"No, someone will see it and then the Avengers will know that we are somewhere here."

"So, we'll have to walk."

"Yeah, but not like this."

"No I get that."

I look outside to see that it's rainy. Good, that was an excuse to put on the hood of our hoodies. I put on mine and he his. We both put the hoods over our heads and walked out of the house we found and were staying in. We grabbed eachothers hands and walked to the store. We walked in and grabbed food and stuff that we wanted and needed.

"Oohh let's get this," Pietro said while holding up some chips and popcorn.

"Do we really need that?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh we need that for sure," he responded while walking closer.

"And why do we need that?" I asked.

"Because we both love it," he said while putting it in the shopping cart and putting his arms around my waist. I shook my head while chuckling and he kissed me. We both pulled back and looked up when we heard an 'ahem'. We went out of the way.

"Sorry sir," Pietro said.

"This is a shop for god sake," he said.

"We know sir, we're sorry," I said.

"Damn right you are," he said while giving us an inspecting but weird look. Then he walked away. Pietro wanted to go after him but I held him back.

"Let's pay for the food," I said while pushing the cart to the cashier. We paid for the food, put it in bags and walked out of the store. We smiled at eachother.

"That went pretty well," I said.

"Yeah indeed. Except for that weird dude."

"Yeah, he gave us a really weird look."

"Like he never have seen a couple kissing before."

"Indeed," I said with a chuckle.

We continued walking when the dude from the store came after us and grabbed our shoulders. We turned around and I tilted my head. He looked at a picture and then at us. My eyes widened when I realized that that was the picture from the news. He pulled out his phone and called the cops.

"Take this," Pietro said while handing me the bags. I took them and he picked me up and he ran back to the place we were staying. He walked in and ran to our backpacks.

"Great," I said. "Now we have to leave."

"I also don't like it Rory."

I sighed and changed clothes. Then I tried to put as much food as possible in my backpacks so we had less to carry. I grabbed the bags I had left and walked to the door where Pietro was waiting. I sighed and gave a last look around. He took one of my bags and we walked out. Great, now we had to fine a new place to stay. At least we had food now. Well, this was our life now. A lot of running and moving since Fury decided to make criminals of us. I just wanted a relaxed life.

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