We're To Late, Again!

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Third person pov

"Damnit!" Tony yells. "We're to late, again!"

"How do they get away so fast?" Sam asked.

"Well, probably because Pietro got speed power, so I guess that that helps," Bruce answered him.

"Yeah I know, but they already knew that we were going to come here."

"The man said that they were standing in front of them when he started the call," Rhodes said.

"Look, I don't want to start a fight here, but maybe we should just leave them alone, and undo that wanted criminal thing. This isn't going to work for sure," Clint said.

"And if we do find them, then I'm afraid that it isn't going to get an ending we like," Nat added.

"Really? You guys are just going to give this up? We have to keep looking and find them!" Steve said.

"No, we don't. I agree with them. I know Aurora long enough to know that she's going to fight her way out of this," Thor said.

"And Pietro is going to help her, I can ensure you that," Wanda added.

"And what are you going to do?" Tony asked.

"Help them "

"Yeah, me too," Nat, Clint and Thor agreed.

Tony looked at them in disbelieve. How could they turn against him? They were supposed to be a team, find Aurora and get them back. Not split up in sides. He sighed and shook his head.

"You guys should watch out, or you'll be criminals too," he said.

"You're going to report this to Fury?" Clint asked.

"Maybe," Steve said.

"Seriously?" Nat asked. "God you men are stupid."

"Can't you see that this isn't going to work?! There's no point in doing this!" Thor yelled.

"Do I have somethings to say in this, ehm, drama?" A voice said.

Everyone startled and turned around with their weapons aimed into the direction the voice came from. They saw that it was Loki, some of them lowered others kept aiming.

"No need to keep aiming at me, I'm not going to do anything, like causing drama. I mean, since Barnes, mister Maximoff and Moore are wanted criminals, I think that you already have enough drama. But I have to agree, they will keep running away or fight their way out."

"We're not listening to you," Steve said. "We're going back to the compound, report this failed mission to Fury, and keep looking for them."

"Let me guess, you're mad because I said something about Barnes?"

"I don't think he cares, Barnes betrayed him. Told you that you shouldn't trust an assasing from Hydra," Tony said.

Steve just sighed, rolled his eyes and walked out. One by one the others started to follow until it was only, Nat, Clint, Thor, Wanda and Tony.

"You guys are aware that you messed up, right? By going against us," Tony said.

"We messed up? You're one of the reasons that she left in the first place, we're trying to let this end as good as possible," Nat said.

"If you keep going like this, it might not have a happy ending," Clint said.

"Good that we're not in a fairy tail," Tony replied.

"At least, let us, or one of us, talk to her when we find her. In that way someone she trust goes to her and she won't feel overwhelmed. We will, or I will, help you in that way," Wanda suggested.

Tony looked at the others, who were nodding in agreement. He sighed and took a second to think about it. Then he gave a nod.

"Fine, it's a deal," he said

"It's a deal, Nat said while Tony walked out.

The ones who were left looked at Wanda and she looked back. Nat gave a small smile, and so did Clint.

"Good job kid," Clint said while walking out.

"Indeed," Thor said while following Clint.

"I'm proud Wanda, you're learning to deal with Tony," Nat said and the girls laughed. Then they followed the others.

Heyy A/N

Alright, hope you guys like this chapter and where the story is going. It's pretty much improvised, but I'm writing more forward, so I might update faster again!

I also started an imagines book. If you like imagines than you should check it out! I make my own stuff, but you can also request stuff. Just check it out if you like it.

Have fun reading books and lots of love♡,

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now