Medbay Talking

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Clint pov

It wasn't easy to split them up. The kid was strong and the same for Steve. But Aurora impressed me more. I knew she could fight but I didn't know she was so strong.

Nat, Wanda and Bruce jumped between when we finally split them up. They both had to be checked in the medbay, but they couldn't go to the same one. So Steve went with Tony, Thor, Sam, Rhodes and Bruce to one, and we went to another.

Thank god someone came with the idea to have different small ones and one big one. Otherwise we would have had a problem.

We let Aurora go when we were sure that she wasn't going to attack Steve again. She sat down on the table and Bucky checked her.

"Didn't know you were a doctor," Aurora said.

"I'm not, I just know stuff," he responded.

"Why aren't you with Steve?" I asked.

He looked at me and then at Aurora. He sighed and continued helping Aurora with her nose bleed.

"Because he was wrong in this case," he said.

"You did not just say that," Aurora said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up. Look, because of you behavior aren't you trusted by a part of the team, I never wanted to judge because they also accepted me, but Steve is my best friend."

"But you didn't start it now. Stark shouldn't have said that, neither should Steve have said what he said. And he shouldn't have lost his temper," he explained.

We all looked at him. Aurora was surprised but also looked a bit impressed and she didn't say anything anymore.

"Thank you," she said when he was done.

He looked up because Aurora actually never says thank you or something. I saw a little smile on his face. I sighed.

"Well, you guys can't be in the same room now anymore," I said.

"Well, guess we have to find something to do with a small group," Pietro said.

"I'm not going to the beach," Aurora said.

I chuckled.

"We don't have to go somewhere, we're in a huge tower, I'm sure there's something to do," I said.

"I want to watch a movie," Aurora said after a silence.

We all agreed with that idea and went to one of the living rooms.

Steve pov

I looked at her. She looked pissed but so was I. We both went to separate medbay's. I was surprised that Bucky joined Aurora and not me.

I sat down on the table when we got there. I sighed. I was mad, but we weren't supposed to be fighting. We were a team.

"You're fine, but that is going to be a black eye," Bruce said.

"Yeah, she wasn't exactly weak or something," I responded.

"Why did you start a fight?" Tony asked. "Are you that stupid Cap?"

"Calm down, Stark," Sam said. "It was stupid, we know, but still. Maybe you shouldn't have said anything."

"Oh so this is my fault now?" Tony asked.

"Pointing at each other isn't going to do anything," Rhodes said.

"Indeed," I said.

"Why do you even hate Aurora that much?" Thor asked.

"I don't hate her," I started.

"With all respect cap, but it doesn't exactly look like that," Bruce said.

"I don't hate her, I'm just not sure if I can trust her. She wasn't exactly miss good before she joined."

"Neither was Bucky, or Wanda, or Pietro," Thor said.

"Those were different cases," I started.

"No they weren't. Not everyone is like you cap," Tony said.

I sighed and looked at them. Maybe they were right. She did do her best to prove herself.

"Barton said that she didn't have it easy before," Tony said. "I tried looking her up but everything is locked and she won't spill it."

"Maybe is she not the only one who isn't trusted," Sam said. "She probably doesn't trust us either."

"That might explain her big mouth," Rhodes said.

"And her stubborn behavior," Tony added.

"Maybe she isn't to only one who has to prove herself and earn something," Thor said. "She will probably never be as good as you, as much of a hero, she will always sacrifice people for her target, but at least she isn't the target."

"Those are some wise words Thor," Tony said.

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