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Aurora pov

I woke up the next morning because someone came into my room. I grabbed my gun from under my pillow and pointed at the person coming through the door. It was Steve. I sighed as I lowered the gun.

"What the hell do you need Rogers," I said while putting my gun back.

"You have to get up," he said.

"I don't have to do anything."

"Yes you do. You listen to me, those are the rules Aurora."

"It's Moore for you. And I don't care about your stupid rules."

He sighed and looked at me.

"You want to be an Avenger right?"

"I like my room, but there isn't much of a point for the rest. The missions are stupid, so is half of the team, so are you."

"Then why are you here."

"A deal with Fury, I didn't want to be locked up."

"Get ready for training."

"I'm still not listening to you."

"Just get ready and hurry up."

He walked out and I smirked. I looked around and stood up with a sigh. I changed and walked out of the room. I walked to the training room.

It was a big room, so almost the whole team could train at the same time. Outside there was track, just a random track from a school or something but we used it for training. I looked around and then looked at Steve with a pissed face.

"So you're telling me to get out of my bed, listen to you and hurry up, while most of the others aren't even here yet?" I said.

"Yeah, don't you see that?" he responded.

I wanted to run at him and kill him but I was hold back by Bucky and Clint. I gave them a deadly face. I sighed and got myself out of their grip. I sat down as I waited for the others.

I stood up when the others finally came in one by one. We had to run rounds first on the track. I walked to Pietro. He looked at me.

"Hop on," he said.

I smirked and jumped on his back. He started to run his and my rounds. Steve didn't look happy when we were done.

"You're supposed to run by yourself," he said.

"But this is teamwork, we are learning to work like a team, what if something happens and we need this? Now we practiced," I responded and Pietro nodded.

Tony looked at us. He chuckled and looked at Steve.

"If I have to be honest..." he started.

"Don't," Steve said. "Don't encourage it and say that she got a point there."

I chuckled.

I decided to practice my throwing skills. I grabbed some knives and started throwing them in the wall. I almost hit Pietro because he decided to run past it.

"You stupid idiot, I could've hit you!" I said.

"But you didn't," he said and he walked away.

"But I will next time," I mumbled.

I also sparred with some others and practice my shooting. I already was good in all that, but I had to do something. I stopped with shooting when I noticed Bucky and Sam started fighting.

I walked over to them. We were cheering it with a small group, because it was fun to watch. I made the bet that Bucky would win, and he was winning when Steve came between them. That childish popsicle.

"Maybe we need a day off," Wanda suggested.

"Yeah, like going to the beach for a day or something," Pietro added.

"Cool idea," Peter said.

I looked up when I heard him. I always forgot that he existed.

"No no no. We don't want people to drown," Tony said while looking at me.

"In this way I will drown you guys," I responded.

"Alright guys there's no point in starting a discussion. Aurora just, just shut up please," Steve said.

"What?! He started and challenged me!" I said, louder than normally.

I was done with this crap. I walked to him and stood in front of him. He looked down at me since he was taller, but that didn't scare me. Neither did the fact that he was stronger and older.

I didn't want to start a fight, I would fight back just for your information, but I wanted to prove that I wasn't scared. Everyone looked at us.

"Back off," he said.

"Why would I, you also never back off of me," I responded. "And the fact that your older isn't a reason, because you're supposed to be dead."

He did not like that. I noticed that when I dodged his fist. I looked at him and tilted my head a little. Then I fought back. It took a lot of energy for the others to split is up.

When the finally did it, I noticed that I was held by Bucky, Pietro and Clint. Steve was held by Thor, Tony, Sam and Rhodes.

Wanda, Nat and Bruce stood between us  Loki was laughing on the side. Peter was shocked.

I wiped blood from under my nose and wanted to run at him again but I got pulled back.

We both had to go to the medbay, but we went to separated onces. They probably didn't want to risk anything.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now