Argumental Meeting

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[Heyy, could you please tell me if you like the story? I'll know then if I should keep writing]

Aurora pov

Pietro finished the pancakes and gave me some. I smiled at him as a thank you. I sat down and began to eat them. Almost right after that moment Bucky walked in.

"We have a meeting," he said.

I sighed. "We just started eating," I said.

"Then bring your food with you," he responded while walking furhter.

"I was already planning on doing that," I mumbled. I looked at Pietro.

"Just because your powers are being fast, doesn't mean you have to be fast at everything," I said with a sarcastic tone while picking up my food.

"I'm just a fast eater," he responded.

He picked me up and ran to the meeting room. I stood up and sat down on a chair. I continued eating.

Third person pov

Everyone was waiting. Aurora was eating her food while talking with the twins, Natasha and Clint. Sam was annoying Bucky and Steve was trying to stop that while drinking his coffee. Tony and Bruce were talking about scientific stuff while Rhodes looked confused. Thor was eating some pop tarts. Then Nick Fury walked in.

"Everyone shut up," he said.

Everyone looked up. He looked confused at Aurora because she was still eating, but he left it aside.

"We have a mission," he continued.

"Who are going?" Steve asked.

Aurora looked offended at him since she knew he didn't want her to join.

"Maybe we listen to what the mission is," offered Tony even tho it wasn't an offer.

"That's an awesome idea," Aurora said.

"No one needs your sarcasm, Aurora," Steve said.

"Neither does anyone need you but you're also still her," she responded a little pissed off. Tony started to laugh.

"Oohh burn," said Thor. Steve turned around and Fury sighed.

"Watch your tone kid," said Bucky.

"You old men should watch your head," she replied.

Steve and Bucky looked confused at each other until they dodge a pancake.

"Hey! I made those," Pietro said.

"And we are very proud that you didn't burn down my kitchen," Tony said.

Fury was still standing there looking at them.

"This is just disappointing," he said.

"I already know that I'm a disappointment," Aurora said.

"We all do," said Tony. "Oh crap," he mumbled right after that.

Aurora stood up and so did Steve and Tony. They all started to shout or talk.

"Enough!" Fury yelled above them.

Everyone became quiet and looked at Fury. He gave everyone a file.

"This is your mission, you are all going".

"Ha!" Aurora said. She smiled like she was really happy with herself.

Before Fury walked out he looked at the whole team.

"She's a good kid and here with a reason. I don't make mistakes when it's about something that has to do with the whole world. Now just trust and accept her, I also do that," he said and he walked out.

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