Getting Fit

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Tony pov

"Y-you're my s-saving angel.." she said.

I chuckled slightly. Guess she hated me less now I saved her ass. I looked at her. She didn't look to well, she looked tired and in pain. I felt sorry for her, I didn't always like or trust her but she didn't deserve this.

I visited her every day because I felt kinda guilty. If I had been there then Bruce would've asked me and wouldn't she have laid there. I was walking to the medbay when Bruce came to me.

"Hey Bruce," I said.

"Tony," he said little nervous.

"What's the problem?"

"I'm going to apologize for what happened, but I'm kinda nervous. She might hate me now. I hate myself now."

"Don't worry, she will forgive you. She's, I don't believe I really am going to say this, but she's a good person."

He smiled a bit and joined me. He apologized and she indeed did forgive her. After a few weeks were her broken bones healed, she only had to get fit now.

Aurora pov

I walked out of the medbay, I was free to leave since I completely healed. Finally was that stupid IV out, no beeping, no people who felt sorry. I felt like a free bird again, except that Sam was the bird, not me.

I walked to the training room since I had to get fit again when Pietro came up next to me.

"Want a ride?" He asked.

"I have to get fit again smartass," I responded.

"You're really going to walk to the training room while you're lazy as hell?"

"I'll try to not get offended."

I thought about it for a second.

"Nevermind turn around."

I hopped on his back and he ran to the training room. I jumped off and I saw Nat and Steve looking at me.

"what?" I asked.

"You won't get fit in that way," Steve said.

"Don't worry I will, let's do this," I responded.

I laid down on the ground after 15 minutes. Jeez, it's hard to train after a few weeks. Especially if you trained every day before that. Steve and Nat laughed at me.

"Don't laugh at my pain," I said.

"Don't worry, you'll get fit again," Nat said.

I sighed and got up again, but I laid down after 10 another minutes.

"Let's do something else, my bones can't do this right now," I said. "Enough running."

We did some training with guns and throwing knives which went perfect. Then I had to spar. I gave up after 10 minutes. It was enough training for my first day back, I wouldn't be doing mission soon anyways.

We did this every day. Damn, I hated it. I never hated it to train, but I did now. It was hard to get fit again, it took a lot of effort and work, but I got somewhere. I could run bigger laps again and I got stronger again.

I even beated Steve. He probably didn't do his best but I didn't care. I felt proud anyways, nothing could change that.

I mostly of the time trained with Steve and Nat, sometimes with Sam, Bucky, Pietro, Tony or Thor. With Pietro and Thor was it a lot of fun. It was more laughing than training, so Steve didn't like it. We were a goofy trio, we always joked around or pulled pranks.

I also pulled pranks with Loki, that was even more fun since he was professional. It was a way more fun way to get fit. You pulled a prank on someone, and had to run like hell to get away with it. It helped to get me fitter with the running part again.

I was training with Nat and Bucky when Tony came in. We didn't notice that he was watching from the door. I tackled Bucky and jumped in the air.

"Ha! I won," I said.

I grabbed my leg and I fell. I tried to get away but he pinned me. He looked at me and smirked.

"Did you?" He asked.

"Oh come on, I'm just getting fit again, let me have this," I said with a fake sad face.

Nat chuckled and looked up at Tony. She was surprised to see him and she kicked Bucky of me. I laughed at him and sat up. Then I also looked at Tony.

"Well, that was a comedy," he said with a smirk.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"There's a party tonight, since you are you again."


Bucky and Nat started laughing.

"You can't pass, it's a party for you Rory," Bucky said.

"And the party's are always fun," Nat added.

"You're coming," Tony said and he walked away.

They could say whatever they wanted but it was still my choice. If I didn't want to go to that stupid party then I wasn't going. But I would be dragged literally out of my room knowing this team.

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