A Great Morning

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Aurora pov

I woke up with a giant headache. Crap, I probably drank a bit too much. I slowly sat up and looked around. I saw Pietro sleeping on the couch, again. I grabbed something on my nightstand and threw it at him.

He woke up and turned around. I grabbed something else and also threw it at him. He sighed and turned back. He sat up and looked at me with a not so happy face.

"What," is all he could say.

"Morninh sunshine," I responded. "I see ur in my room, again."

He looked around and rubbed in his eyes.

"I guess you're right."

"No need to guess, I'm pretty sure."

I stood up but immediately sat down again. Stupid party. Pietro stood up and opened the curtains. He really did have a talent of making stuff worse. God that hurted my eyes, I felt like they were burning away.



"What in the name of god makes you think that you can just open my damn curtains in the morning after a stupid party."

I looked at him. I saw that he looked shocked and that he didn't think about his actions again. I stood up carefully and grabbed the first thing I saw. I walked over to him but he ran away, the coward.

Pietro pov

I saw how she stood up and grabbed something. That couldn't be good. Then she started to walk over to me. I didn't have a dead wish yet so I ran away. Thank god that I had speed.

I fell out of nowhere while I was running to my room. I looked up to see Clint standing there with a smirk. I sighed and stood up with a pissed face.

"You didn't see that coming?" He asked.

I shook my head and sighed. I would give him payback later. I turned around and continued running to my room.

Clint pov

I looked after him as he ran away. I chuckled and couldn't help smirking. That little idiot. I walked further when I heard complaining from Aurora's room. Then I made a real stupid decision.

I knocked at her door. I walked in when she said that I could come in. I looked around and fell on the ground because I felt something smacking against my head.

Ouch. That hurted. I looked up to see Aurora standing there with a bat in her hands. I looked at the bat and was wondering how the hell I was still conscious. But I stopped wondering after a minute because I did fell unconscious.

Aurora pov

I looked down to see Clint laying on the ground. Well, that wasn't exactly my plan. My plan was to smack Pietro, not Clint. Now I had to figure out how the hell I was going to get him to the medbay.

I first decided to change and get ready. After that I opened my door again and started to drag him out. God that man was heavy. He better wasn't ever going to get hit on a mission with me because that would be his dead.

Ofcourse there was no one on the way to the medbay. Normally there's always people, unless you needed help, because that were the logics. After a while I came by the medbay and I looked around.

I looked around a few times until I noticed Bruce. I started to walk to him but fell on my way to him. Great, like my headache wasn't enough already. I stood up and continued to drag Clint over the ground, I was already doing that the whole time, I don't know how the hell his shirt didn't rip.

Bruce pov

I looked up when I heard someone fall. I saw Aurora on the ground with Clint. She stood up and started to drag him. I was shocked. Why the hell was he unconscious, and why was she dragging him over the ground. I walked over to them.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I may or may not have accidentally smacked him with a bat," she responded.


"Pietro was my target but Clint walked in instead."

"And why are you dragging him over the ground."

"Because I was trying to clean the ground."


"No ofcourse not mister smartass, do you know how heavy he is?"

I started to help her and he ended wasn't exactly light. Well we did get him on a bed and I started to do tests. Nat was also sitting there when I came back.

Nat pov

Aurora had called be because Clint was in the medbay. I thought that he did something stupid again, well, what happened was stupid. He didn't even look like Pietro.

"You wanted to hit Pietro?"


"And you hit Clint on accident?"

"He walked in instead of Pietro, he knocks exactly the same!"

"Why did you want to hit him in the first place?"

"He opened the curtains!"

"And why do you have a bat?"

"I don't know I stole it."

I sighed and sat down. Bruce came walking in and I looked up. Seeing his face he was surprised to see me. How could he be surprised? Clint was my best friend.

"And?" I asked

"He has a concussion but he will be fine," he responded and walked away.

Aurora and I looked at each other. She started to laugh and I also couldn't help chuckle. God what was this a great morning.

Alright please don't attack me. I don't know what I wrote. I had a headache by myself and I couldn't come up with a good idea or something. Does someone else have fun idea's to write for this book?

I'm also thinking about writing a marvel preferences/imagines book, should I do that and if yes, who would you want and what would you like to see?

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