A Hell Of A Day

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Aurora pov

"Crap crap crap!" I shouted.

I was running through the streets. It's been a month since we had to leave our house, and eh well, now we are on the run again. We have the cops and the Avengers behind us, and there are three outcomes. Number one is that we get to run away and are kind of free again. Number two is that the Avengers catch us, and we will be brought back to the tower. Outcomes three is that the cops catch us, we are brought to jail, and gotten out again by Tony. So we will also end up by the Avengers.

So, how Pietro and I got into this situation? Funny story. We were walking over the streets because we needed groceries again. Then, there were sirens and cars from the cops. Normal, we thought. You see them all the time. We changed our minds when they stopped by us, the cops stepped out, and told us to come with them.

Pietro dropped our stuff, poor food, picked me up, and started to run. It went fine until that idiot bumped into someone. Well, that can happen. It wasn't the first time he bumped into someone. But of course, with our stupid luck, we bumped into freaking Peter Parker and Tony Stark.

Well, we knew immediately we were screwed. At first he didn't recognize us. Great, we're going to get away I thought. Damn, I was wrong. Peter helped us up and looked at us.

"Mr. Stark?" He said.

"Yes kid," Tony responded.

"Are those two the ones you look for? Aurora Moore and Pietro Maximoff."

Tony looked up and at us. I jumped into Pietro's arms. He, of course, almost dropped me. I know, we didn't really have a good day. We had a terrible day. Pietro turned around to run away. We we heard Tony go into his suit.

"Yes kid that's them, don't let them get away!"

Everything went pretty fast from then on. Pietro started to run, but that kid used his webb stuff and held him back. Of course I was dropped. I heard Tony fly up and call the others. I thought I was going to cry. It wasn't even funny anymore.

I grabbed a knife and cut the webb stuff. I looked up and saw the Quinn Jet. How the hell, did they get here so fast? It didn't matter anyway. The only thing I cared about was how the hell we were going to get away.

I stood up and looked at Pietro. And what happened next, was something I just could cry about. He picked me up, started running, and he was barely running when he fell. He fell. He freaking f e l l. How did he fell? Why did he fell? Why at that moment? God, that day was a hell of a day. Maybe one of the worst days of my entire life. Maybe? Not maybe. That was the worst day of my life for sure.

Anyway, I kicked him so he would stand up, since we were in a hurry. We both stood up and saw Tony had come closer, so did the Quinn Jet, and so did Peter. I was done with the crap, grabbed Pietro's hand and ran through the alleyway. We got out of it and just started to run random through the streets. And that's how we got in that situation. Well, wasn't that a funny story?

I'm surprised we got so far. I mean, we had cops and the world's biggest superheroes following us, but they didn't catch us. I also wasn't going to let them catch me. I was going to fight myself out. I also was surprised about the fact that I didn't leave Pietro behind. Or just smacked him. No, I only kicked him for his own sake.

I'm so sorry I took longer to update! But I was busy with school and stuff, so I didn't have much time, since I also do request for another book (you can also request stuff there, because I also do Marvel requests). I hope you had fun reading this part, because I tried to give it a funny twist:)

Anyway, have fun reading books and lots of love♡,

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