Rooftop Talking

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Aurora pov

I was still sitting on the rooftop. I wanted to go away, to an alleyway or something. But I knew that that was going to be too much drama. It didn't go well last time and I had the feeling that Steve started to like me. I couldn't risk anything.

It was sad that I couldn't do something I wanted to do just because I wanted that everyone liked me. I just wanted to he a part of the team, but also myself.

God why is this so annoying. Why did I have that much of a talent of getting in situations like that. I already did stupid things like that since my parents died. Maybe even before but I wasn't able to remember that.

Pietro pov

I looked after Aurora as she walked out. It was finally going well, she went to the party, had fun and now it went wrong. Ofcourse it did. Ofcourse she was right again. I sighed and looked at the others.

"Well done Stark," Clint said.

"Oh, so it's my fault again?" Tony responded.

"Well, right now you're the drunk one and the one who started this whole thing," Nat sighed.

"Guys we should have this discussion later," Wanda said. "Someone should go look for her and check on her."

Everyone looked at each other and then at Clint. He looked up.

"Why me?" He asked.

"She listens to her," Steve said.

"I went last time, I don't want to go and look for her in the dark again."

"Well, you care a lot about her don't you," Tony said.

"Oh shut up you could also get off your own ass and fo after her."

"No that's not a good idea," Wanda said.

"I'll go."

Everyone looked at me. I'm not sure if it was happy, relieved, questioning or surprised. Not that it mattered anyway. I was going to go talk to her.

"She likes me, she'll also listen to me so I'll just go."

Everyone nodded. It was not like I needed their permission. If I wanted to go then I was going to go. I walked out and thought for a moment. Where could she be? I started to run.

Aurora pov

I heard a door. Someone came here. I didn't even bother to look up. I just kept looking at the stars. I noticed someone sat down next to me.


It was Pietro. I recognized that accent immediately. I kept looking at the stars for a few and then looked at him. He looked at me and smiled a bit.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Compared to the situation I'm great," I responded.

"Sorry, it was a stupid question."

"No it wasn't. It was a completely normal and logical question."

He chuckled. I smiled a bit at him.

"I told you I didn't want to go."

"And I told you that I would leave with you, and look, here I am."

"You got a point there."

I hugged him. He came closer so it was easier to looked and hugged me back. I smiled a bit and looked at him. He was always so sweet and caring for me and Wanda. I looked at the stars again.

"The stars are pretty," he said.

I nodded and laid my head on his chest.

"After my parents died my grandma told me that they had become stars. I know that that is a load if crap by now. I also know that it's stupid that I keep looking at the stars."

"It's not stupid and maybe it's not a load of crap. Maybe they really are stars."

He pointed at two stars.

"Those are pretty stars, I think that those are your parents," he added.

"How do you know they were pretty?"

"Well, from who else did you get your looks?"

I chuckled and blushed. We kept looking at the stars for a while. I didn't even notice that someone had come up the roof and left right after. I felt like I was going to fall asleep.

Pietro pov

I looked up when I heard the door. It was Steve. I nodded that everything was fine. Then I looked back at Aurora. She looked sleepy. We kept sitting there until I was sure that she was asleep.

I stood up carefully and picked her up. I ran to her room and laid her down. I tucked her in and sat down on the couch in her room. I slept there half of the time I guess, it was almost my second bed. Maybe it was.

I laid down and just listened to the silence. I sighed and thought about the evening. Maybe we shouldn't have pushed her to go to the party. Maybe it would all have been better then. I kept thinking until I fell asleep.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now