I Got A New Life And I'm Happy. Lies.

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Aurora pov

I was walking home at this moment with some groceries. It has been three months since I left. I got a job as a waitress, it isn't the best but I kinda enjoy it. I'm waiting until I find something better. I've got an apartment, it isn't big but nice.

Only Clint, Nat and Pietro know about the apartment. They all told me that the others still hadn't figured out where I lived. I got to say that I'm good at disappearing. I actually enjoyed it all right now.

I walked up the stairs to my door and looked for the keys in my back. When I found them I opened the door and walked in. I closet it again and walked to my kitchen. When I was halfway there I stopped walking. I slowly turned to my living room to see someone sitting there.

"You got to be kidding me," I said.

"Well, I'm not." It was Fury, ofcourse. "Now can I get some coffee?"

I sighed and continued my way to the kitchen. I put all the groceries away and started to make coffee.

"So, you might have quest-" he started.

"Yeah, I do. Like, how did you find me?"

"Well, I got to give it to you, you're good at disappearing, but shield is good at finding people."

"Do the others know about this apartment?"

"No, except the people you told."

"Why are you here?"

"To talk."

I walked over to him and gave a cup of coffee. I sat down on a chair by the couch on my own. I looked at him and tilted my head a bit.

"What do you want?"

"For you to come back, ofcourse."

"Yeah, well, that's not happening."

"And why not?"

"Because I got a new life and I'm happy."


"Excuse me?"

"You think I am going to buy that?"

"You don't have anything to buy because I'm not selling any lies."

"You're happier with being a waitress, this apartment, less money and no missions anymore?"



"I'm not lying."

"Alright, tell me that without looking at your coffee."

I indeed was looking at my coffee. I sighed and looked at him. I looked him in the damn eye.

"I'm not lying."

"I got to give it to you, you're a good liar Moore."

"Look, if you're only going to say that I'm a liar then you can get the hell out of here."

"I'll beg you're pardon?"

"There's nothing to beg because you won't get my pardon."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, both times."

I was looking serious at him. I saw that he was a bit surprised and shocked, but also impressed by my answer and way of talking. I stood up and walked to the door and opened it for him.

"Here, now you can leave."

"I haven't finished my coffee."

"You can keep the cup, I don't care."

He sighed and stood up with the cup. He walked to the door and out of it. He turned around and looked at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go."

I looked after him as he walked away and closed the door with a deep sigh. Well, that was that I guess. I walked back to the living room and grabbed the cup and walked to the kitchen to clean it.

Fury pov

Well, that didn't go as planned. I hoped that if I talked to her that she would come back, but she didn't. This wasn't my only plan ofcourse. She was going to come back, and the team was going to respect her.

She was strong and more powerful than she thought and showed, I just had to get it out of her. I didn't know yet how. I went to the shield base and sat down, thinking how I was going to do it now.

Okay a/n

I want to thank you guys sooo much! This book hit more than 5k reads and on april 4th it was 1# on ironman, which it's still today! (Last time I checked).

You have no idea how happy this makes me! So I was thinking that I maybe could do something special or something, but I have no idea what. Does anyone of an idea? It can be almost anything!

Please just let me know in the comments or something and lots of love♡,

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