Reading At Night

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Aurora pov


woke up. I startled. I looked around breathing heavily. I was sweating heavily. I sat up as I rubbed my eyes. I looked at my digital clock. It was 2:37 am. Great, a nightmare. I sighed and stood up.

I walked out of my room and looked around. There was no one. Obviously, since it was almost 3 am. I rubbed my eyes as I walked through the building. I was going to go to the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

I stopped when I heard something in the living room. I started to walk slower, I saw light. Weird. I walked closer and looked around the corner. It was Loki.

I walked around the corner and started to lean against the wall. I looked at him. He looked up and saw me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same," I responded.

I looked at me and then at the clock. Seeing his face he was surprised about the time. He then looked back at me.

"I didn't feel like sleeping, so I decided to read," he said. "Now what about you?"

I looked at him. Was this something I could tell him? I didn't want that he was going to make fun of me. I sighed and shrugged.

"I just woke up," I said. "Because of eh.."

"A nightmare?" he asked.

I looked surprised. Maybe he saw it when he looked at me or something, it didn't matter.

"Yeah kind of," I said with a little sigh.

He nodded that I should come over and patted the place next to him. I looked at him with a confused look but decided to sit next to him. I looked at me.

"It always helps me to read, I feel better after," he said. "So let me read a part of my book out loud, maybe you'll fall asleep."

I couldn't help having a little smile. That was actually pretty sweet. No idea why he would do something like that, but hey, it was fine.

"Sure, maybe your book is boring enough," I said with a little smirk.

"Very funny," he said but I saw he also smirked at bit.

He started to read out loud. I listened to it, it wasn't even that boring. It was actually interesting. I kept listening and listening. I enjoyed listen to his voice whe he was reading, it was so calming.

After a time I felt my eyelids become heavier, so did my head. I slowly fell asleep.

Loki pov

I looked up when I felt a head on my shoulder. She had fallen asleep. I smiled a little bit and closed the book.

I stood carefully up and picked her up. I quietly walked to her room and placed her on her bed. I tugged her in and looked at her. I smiled a little bit when I walked out. I went to my own room and decided to get some sleep.

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