Say Bye

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Clint pov

I looked at Aurora and the little boy. He really seemed to like her, but she doesn't like him that much. I do get it. She isn't that much of a fan when it's about little kids. She also has a job and a life.

But when I looked at her, when she was with the little kid, I felt like I saw that her face was less sad or mad. The little boy wasn't going to leave her and she wasn't going to like that.

I sighed. We never should've left her with the kid. She doesn't want him but she will feel guilty, I mean, she isn't as good and a hero as Steve, but she wasn't a bad person. She was just different.

"What are you thinking about?" Nat asked.

I nodded to Aurora and the boy. She sighed and looked at me.

"I was thinking the same," she said.

I decided to talk to her. I stood up and walked over to her. I looked at Tony. He would call me if I had to fly the jet. I squattef in front of Aurora.

"Hey Aurora," I said.

"Hey Clint. What is it?" she asked without looking up.

I looked at the boy and she probably saw that, because she looked at me and moved him do I could I take him. I shook my head.

"No I'm not taking him," I said with a little chuckle when she sighed.

"I wanted to ask something. Do you really want to give the boy to child service? You really seem to..." I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Ofcourse I'm sure. Look, he's not my kid neither my problem. I'm not taking care of him. You have foster family's for that, he's little so I'm pretty sure he'll get adopted," she said.

"How do you know so much?" I asked.

"I just know," she responded and she looked away while saying that.

I sighed and stood up again. I walked back to Nat and shook my head. This was going to be a drama.

Aurora pov

The next morning I woke up because of something on my bed. I startled and thought about last time that happened. I grabbed the gun I always had under my pillow, sat up and pointed at the thing on my bed. It was Elijah. I sighed.

The others decided to keep him here for the night, since we got back late. They wanted him to eat and get some rest. The kid didn't want to let me go so I had to do it. I had better stuff to do.

"How the hell did you find my room?" I asked as I lowered the gun.

"I don't know!" he said.

Yeah right. Like I was going to buy that for a second. I put the gun back under my pillow. I looked at the little boy.

"Rowy! Rowy! Food!" he said happy while jumping on the bed.

I sighed. Well, he already woke me up and I wanted some food too.

"Fine, whatever," I mumbled. "You go to the living room, I'll be there in a few," I said.

He nodded and left. I sighed and laid back. Well, my rest was destroyed. I stood up and changed. I walked to the living room and I was surprised. Loki was sitting there with Elijah and Elijah was still alive. Not even a sign of dying.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning," Loki responded. "I didn't know you had a kid."

"He isn't my kid. He's going with child service today," I responded and I picked Elijah up.

"We're going to get food, are you joining?" I asked.

"I don't see why not," Loki responded and he stood up.

Third person pov

They got breakfast and went back to the living room. They let Elijah play while Loki started to read a book, Aurora joined him.

More people woke up and got breakfast. They wanted to play with the little boy, unlike Aurora. Child service came and the drama started.

"Can I have my let back?" Aurora asked while looking down.

"No!" Elijah responded.

The team already feared this. The kid didn't want to go away. He wanted to stay with Aurora. Aurora sighed and picked him up. She rocked them shortly and walked to the child service person. She tried to give Elijah.

"No!" Elijah said again as he hold on Aurora.

"Yes, now let me go" Aurora said back. "It isn't that bad."

Elijah looked confused at her. So did most of the others. Some already had thoughts about Aurora, but no one was sure.

"I was in your shoes once kiddo," she said. "And look at me now, I'm an Avenger. Everything will be fine. I'll make sure you get the best foster parents, alright?"

The little boy nodded. He hugged Aurora one last time and slowly let go of her. Aurora gave the teddy bear and looked after them as they walked out.

"Say bye," the child service person said, before the elevator doors closed.

She sighed. She couldn't escape a little feeling of guilt, what made her not a bad person unlike some of the others thought.

"You did a good job," Steve said. "But do you mind explaining what you just told him?"

"It was a lie," she said. "I made it up about being in his shoes, but I'll try to make sure he gets good foster parents."

She started to mumble around midway the sentence. She was lying about the fact that she said that it was a lie.

She really was in his shoes once, but she didn't want the team to know. It wasn't their business anyways, she thought when she walked out.

The Avenger's Anti-Hero - Falling Apart [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now