My Saving Angel

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Aurora pov

I closed my eyes. I already had prepared for the worst. But nothing happened. I heard a sound and opened my eyes but I noticed that everything was blurry again.

I listened to the sound. I recognized it but I couldn't place it. I looked in front of me and saw a suit. It was standing in front of me, pointing at the hulk.

"Banner, come back," the voice said. "I don't want to get Veronica."

I recognized the voice. It was Tony. Seriously. Tony was saving me right now. I felt that I got dragged from behind. I startled and looked up. I saw a lot of red hair, so I guess that it was Nat.

I looked at how Tony got Veronica and fought with the hulk. They got close for a second and the other second they flew out of the window. Nat squatted in front of me and talked to me. I didn't understand her and everything went black.

Nat pov

Clint, Tony and I were in the living room just talking when we heard a scream for help and a lot of loud sounds. We looked at each other and immediately knew what was going on. Tony got his suit and we ran to where we heard the sound.

We saw how Aurora fell down and didn't stand up anymore. Bruce went towards her. Tony came between them and Clint ran to the medbay to alarm them. I went immediately to Aurora.

I pulled her aside. I saw how Tony and Bruce got close and flew out of the window. God I hated it when this happened. Poor Aurora, she just tried to help Bruce. I squatted in front of her.

"Rory can you hear me? Are you alright?" I asked.

She looked confused and then she passed out. Great. I picked her up and noticed she was lighter than I expected. I ran to the medbay as fast as I could. I saw Clint and a doctor waiting when we got there.

"And?" Clint asked.

"Stark and Banner flew through the window, no idea how they are now. She was awake but seemed like she couldn't hear me and passed out."

We both sighed and waited for the doctor. I didn't want to wait too long so after a few minutes I just walked in and Clint followed me. We stood by the table and the doctor startled.

"She has a few broken bones but she will be fine," she said while checking her IV.

We nodded and she walked out. I sat down beside her and sighed.

"Can you inform the others and check on Tony? I'll stay with her," I said.

Clint nodded and gave Aurora one last look before walking out. I looked around and grabbed a book and started reading it.

Tony pov

I suited up and we ran to where we heard the sound from. Well this was just great. Bruce lost his control again, damn that man had anger issues.

When we got there we saw how Aurora fell and didn't get up anymore. Oh crap. Bruce was still going closer and I went between them while Nat ran to her and Clint to one of the medbay's.

"Banner come back. I don't want to get Veronica," I said calmly.

He looked at me and I looked back. He didn't look like turning back. I saw that Nat had dragged Aurora aside and I flew to Bruce. Then we started fighting. We got close to the girls so I had to pull us through the window.

We flew through the window and Bruce was above me so we were falling down.

"Friday get Veronica and inform Rogers!" I said to my AI.

I looked down and saw people. They would be dead if we landed on them. I pulled us to the building and we went through another window again. He looked at me, and believe me, he wasn't happy.

The situation only got worse when Steve ran by and threw his shield to his head. I looked at the hulk and then at Steve.

"Great job, Rogers."

"I couldn't think of anything else!"

"Well I haven't noticed."

Veronica got here and I became around his power. I pulled him out of the building again to a place where no humans were. That was the best option.

Aurora pov

I heard beeping. It sounded like a heartbeat. I slowly opened my eyes. Ouch, the light. I closed my eyes again and opened them. I slowly moved my head even though it hurted. I saw a monitor, and an IV.

I looked in the mirror. Well, I've looked better. I heard a voice and startled. That hurted and my eyes got puffy. I turned my head and saw Nat.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked.


"How much from 1 to 10?"


"Alright, let's get you some painkillers."

Everything went blurry and all the sounds sounded far away. I saw Nat and a doctor before everything went black again.

I woke up again. I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw no one. I started to breathe fast and my eyes became watery. I looked around and looked at my IV. I wanted to pull it out when someone came in.

"Hey hey hey, relax kid. Breathe with me."

It was Tony. I looked at him. I started to breathe with him and I calmed down. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and he wiped them away. I opened my mouth to ask what happened but he shushed me.

"Something went wrong in the lab, Bruce turned into the hulk, you ran through half the building and fell down. Nat, Barton and I came. I knocked the hulk out and Nat got you here. That happened a few days ago. You have a few broken bones and a concussion." He said.

I looked at him in shock. I started to cry, I dont even know why. Then something unexpected happened. He laid down next to me and hushed me. I calmed down.

"Y-you're my s-saving angel.." I said.

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