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A Regulus Black x Reader Blurb

PROMPTS: "You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game

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PROMPTS: "You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game."

WARNING(S): Slytherin!Reader, gender-neutral!reader (613 words)

WARNING(S): Slytherin!Reader, gender-neutral!reader (613 words)

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Whether magical or muggle, boys were always the same. Shielded feelings to appear 'strong' with questionable motives that you felt you would never understand. It was a miracle your relationship had lasted as long as it did before Regulus started acted different.

At first you brushed it off as stress from classes which was understandable until Christmas break started nearing and he was still not talking to you.

Walking to the Great Hall for study group one morning, you sat down beisde Regulus and smiled at him only for it to fall to a frown as he got up and left. You watched as walked to his group of Slytherin boys and talked to them, completely disregarding the fact that he had just ignored you.

"You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game." You mumbled as you glared daggers at the back of his head before grabbing your quill to begin your work. Your plan wouldn't be able to properly begin until a few more days anyways.

Your anniversary. The date that marked 8 months of dating Regulus. That was the date you were waiting for. Usually, you would have surprised him with love notes leading up to the date but this time you did nothing. He would also usually wake up to some sort of decoration in his room but today he woke up to his normal dorm.

The rest of the day was even more odd for him. You were usually clinging onto his arm but today, you were nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't until late at night, way past curfew, that he finally saw you. A lazy smile was etched on your face as you walked in through the portrait door. You didn't even seem to notice him as you walked right past him towards the stairs.

"(Y/N)!" He called out causing you to stop in your tracks. When you turned around to face him your smile was now gone and replaced by an annoyed expression. "Where were you today? It was our anniversary."

"Oh so you do remember me." You scoffed causing him to arch an eyebrow at you.

What on earth did you mean by that?


"Well for the past few days or so you've been completely ignoring my presence. Figured you would've forgot our anniversary as well."

"(Y/N) I didn't mean to-"

"NO!" You cut him off loudly. The change in your tone caused him to jump. "You don't get to say that when you've been hurting me lately. You don't have the right."

Regulus fell silent. He knew he was in the wrong but how was he supposed to tell you that he was being recruited for the Death Eaters agaisnt his will? Howl as he supposed to tell his muggleborn girlfriend that he was joining a group that despised her kind. He figured that by maybe distancing himself he'd be able to think of how to tell you but perhaps he didn't properly think it through. Now, as you stood before him with eyes filled with anger, he could only fear the worst and wait for it to come.

"We're over. Here," You said as you pulled out something from your coat jacket, it was a stack of letters. "I would've given them to you today if you weren't being such a git."

The letters were thrown at his feet before you stomped up the stairs. He stared down at them sadly as tears fell down his face and up in the girls dorm, hot tears were falling down your face as well.

"I'm sorry." You both mumbled out loud, not knowing that the other was also sorry for what they've done as well.

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