𝐓𝐎𝐌, ghost of you

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A Tom Riddle x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: Voldemort experienced love once and it was during his years at Hogwarts until she mysteriously disappeared, leaving him to believe that she has died

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SUMMARY: Voldemort experienced love once and it was during his years at Hogwarts until she mysteriously disappeared, leaving him to believe that she has died. But what if she was still alive all along?

WARNING(S): Fem!Reader, Slytherin!Reader (586 words)

AUTHORS NOTE: If you've read this when it turned into a series only to now be a oneshot once again, no you did not lmao. Honestly though sorry, I kind of fell out of the HP fandom (and more specifically Tom's character).
24/06/21: Okay didn't expect to say this but no I will not be doing a part two for this. If you've read the authors note you would know that it was previously a series on my tumblr that I turned back into a oneshot because I fell out of harry potter fandom (mainly tom's character). I appreciate the fact that you guys liked it that much to even want a part two but please guys. So in short, no there not be a part two to this. Thank you (/nm and sorry if it came off like that, it's just tiring getting the same question when the answer is already there)

 Thank you (/nm and sorry if it came off like that, it's just tiring getting the same question when the answer is already there)

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June 1996

"You're the weak one, and you'll never know love... or friendship.... and I feel sorry for you." Harry said, breaking Voldemort's possession of him causing him to land laying on his back. Time had seemed to stop as Voldemort's body materialized in front of him. He was losing consciousness and struggling to stay awake as he looked at the Dark Lord who stood before him with a hurt expression.

"You're a fool Harry Potter."

Just then the sound of the Floo Network caught Voldemort's attention as Minister Fudge stepped out with the rest of the Ministry. In a cloud of black smoke Voldemort disappeared but it was too late, they already saw him.

When Harry woke up he was back in his bed at Hogwarts, his head aching as he got up from the bed. Before he could even look around the room he was engulfed in a tight hug by his best friend Ron who looked at him worriedly.

"I need to talk to Dumbledore." Was all he said. Ron nodded and let go of his friend, watching as he left and headed towards Dumbledore's office. The two spoke for a short while, mainly talking about Sirius' death and why Dumbledore had been distancing himself from the boy all year long.

"Professor, may I ask you something?" Harry waited for Dumbledore's approval and continued when he nodded. "Back in the Ministry, when I told Voldemort he has never felt love, he seemed to look hurt. Why is that?"

Dumbledore thought about what to say then sighed before getting up from his seat, walking down the stairs to where hundreds of books lined the walls of the office. He pulled something out from the bottom shelf, a thin book with a leather cover and words printed along the middle of it that read,

Tom Riddle and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)

1938 - 1945

"A scrapbook?" Harry asked in disbelief as he looked at Dumbledore who only motioned for him to open it. He never thought the Dark Lord would be the sentimental type but yet again, Tom Riddle and Lord Voldemort are not quite the same.

The first page contained a photograph of two students silhouettes dancing in the moonlight in the Astronomy Tower. Due to the lack of light Harry wasn't able to see their faces so he flipped the page. This was when his jaw dropped as he stared at the photo before him; it was of Tom standing with his arms wrapped around a girl's waist, both of them smiling at the camera as Tom placed a kiss on her cheek.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), she was in the same year as Tom and sorted into Slytherin as you probably tell." Dumbledore said, pointing to the emerald green on her robes.

Harry continued to flip through the scrapbook, wondering how the boy in the photos turned into a monster. Tom looked happy and, dare he say it, innocent. He didn't have the emotionless glare Voldemort had nor the cruel demeanor. How did someone so seemingly innocent turn so cold and heartless?

As if Dumbledore had read his mind he answered his unsaid question, "She found out his plans during their seventh year then came to me about them. After that she left before graduation and has been gone ever since. No one knows where she is but if she's still alive, she's our only chance of stopping the Dark Lord once and for all."

"Any ideas where she would be?" Harry asked as he closed the book and held it by his side.


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