𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, die for you

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A Sirius Black x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: With life, comes risks and with risks comes life-changing consequences

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SUMMARY: With life, comes risks and with risks comes life-changing consequences

WARNING(S): The Potters live AU, Death, gender-neutral!reader (924 words)

It was well known that no one has ever managed to trick the Dark Lord and lived to have tell the tale

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It was well known that no one has ever managed to trick the Dark Lord and lived to have tell the tale. You and your husband both knew this when you suggested the idea to Dumbledore during an Order meeting.

"Absolutely not!" James shouted, his fist pounded on the table as he stood up from his seat. Lily grabbed onto his arm and tried to calm him down but failed. "You are not risking your lives for us. We've let you take our missions but you are not going to do this."

You and Sirius looked at each-other and sighed. You both knew that James wouldn't like the idea but was there really any choice?

"James, mate, you have a family. A child for Merlin's sake!" Sirius tried to reason.

"As if you don't? You guys may not have a child but you're still a family. Please don't do this." James voice was softer now. There was a look in his eyes that was begging for the two of you to just listen to him.

"We have to protect Harry and if anyone is going to die it is surely not going to be his parents." You said.

"So he's just going to lose his godparents?" Now it was Lily's turn to join the conversation and everyone fell silent.

James looked at you and Sirius from across the table, silently pleading for the two of you to just listen to him for once as he sat down.

Looking back at Sirius, you knew what he meant when he just simply nodded at you before leaning back in his chair.

"James and Lily can stay at our flat," You started. James and Lily opened their mouths to protest but you beat them to it, "Sirius and I will move in tomorrow afternoon."

"What about Peter?" James asked. He was their Secret Keeper after-all and still believed that James and Lily were to stay at the Potters Cottage under the fidelius charm.

"He doesn't need to know." Sirius replied calmly and that was the end of the meeting. Dumbledore was the first to leave but the four of you remained sitting.

From underneath the table, Sirius had reached for your hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He looked at you with a soft smile before reverting his gaze back to James and Lily who seemed to be deep in thought. It felt like hours until they finally spoke.

"You'll have your wands right?" Lily asked and you both nodded. "Promise me, that you'll both make make it. For Harry."

You and Sirius both knew, along with Dumbledore that what she was making you and Sirius promise would be impossible to keep. Even with your wands and the two of you together you'd both be no match agaisnt Voldemort. Thankfully, James and Lily didn't know that, and that was how it was going to stay.

"Tell Harry that we love him."


Halloween night of 1981, the Dark Lord was said to have been defeated but there were no celebrations. Instead, the streets of the Wizarding community were quiet and dark. The most they could do to show their relief of Voldemort's death were sad smiles.

It was early morning and Lily was still asleep with Harry when James decide dot get out of bed. Heading to the kitchen he was pleasantly surprised to see your owl just flying in through the window with a roll of parchment. When he grabbed it, he realized that it was a copy of the Daily Prophet.

October 31st, 1981THE WAR IS OVER
On Halloween night The Dark Lord was finally defeated by Sirius and (Y/N) Black who were also sadly killed. The Wizarding World is deeply saddened by the two deaths but will not forget their sacrifices along with others who lost their lives and loved ones to this war.  Today will be a day of remembrance for these people and their families.

James' hand trembled as he held the newspaper in his hand. Above the text was a picture of his two best-friends, laying dead beside each-other. tears blurred his vision and he was too focused on the picture before him that he hadn't heard Lily walking out of the bedroom to the kitchen where he was standing.

"James?" He heard her soft voice from the doorway. "What is it?"

"(Y/N), Sirius, they're...." He couldn't find the courage to complete his sentence but he didn't need to. Lily's eyes widened and snatched the newspaper from his hands and quickly read it. Her hand went to cover her hand and she looked as she continued to look at the page.

She didn't want to keep looking at it. She wanted nothing more than to leave and go to Godric's Hallow and see her two best-friends alive because this surely has to be one of your pranks, right?

"No. T-This can't be. They..." Lily stopped herself when she remembered that you and Sirius didn't promise her that evening when she asked them to. "They knew."

"I'm sorry Lils." James said as he wrapped his arms around her. The copy of the Daily Prophet fell to the ground as they held each-other and cried. Cried for the deaths of their two closest friends, cried for Harry who would grow up not knowing just how much his godparents loved him, and cried for the fact that he may never be able to meet the two people who died for him.

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