𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀, take care

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A Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks Oneshot

TAKE CARE A Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks Oneshot

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PROMPTS: "You're lying to me again. Why can't you just tell me the truth for once?" + "Can I stay here tonight?"

WARNING(S): Mentions of injury and blood (806 words)

It was early in the morning when Tonks had heard a knock at her front door

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It was early in the morning when Tonks had heard a knock at her front door. She had wanted to stay in her warm bed where she can drift back to her dreams but the persistent knocking nagged her to get out of bed.

As she passed the living room, she noticed that the sun was just starting to rise and she groaned at how she could've been peacefully asleep had it not been for the annoying git knocking at her door. "This better be important." She mumbled as she walked out of her bedroom and towards the front door.

Pulling the door open, she was shocked to see a bloody and scarred man stand in front of her. More specifically, Remus Lupin.


"Can I stay here for bit?" He asked her. It looked as though the doorframe he was holding onto was the sole way of him standing upright.

Tonks nodded, gently reaching for his arm and guiding him inside and guiding him to the guest bedroom. It was often sued for when her parents decided to come over and wanted to sleepover.

"Here, lay down and don't worry about getting anything dirty. I'll get something to clean your wounds." She said, not giving Remus any time to protest before running out the room. It felt odd unbuttoning his shirt as he waited for her but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he discarded his shirt and laid down on the bed.

It was soft and very comfortable. Remus didn't know if he was saying that because he's never been able to afford a decent mattress due to his condition or because he was tired and his body was aching with every movement. He guessed it was the lather because he didn't even remember falling asleep until he felt a light tug around his arm what felt like hours later.

"You're up." Tonks smiled down at him.

Remus looked down to see his chest covered by her white blankets, which were now stained red in some spots, to see his cuts all healed and wrapped where necessary. He felt better, his body was still in pain mind you, but he felt better.

"How long was I out?" He groaned as he laid back down on the bed. He clsoed his eyes and winced when the action caused parts of his body to shoot pain throughout. He ought to be more gentle after these nights.

"Just a few hours," She shrugged. "You were hurt pretty badly, what happened?"

"I uh, got went on a mission last night. Bloody Death Eaters." Remus lied. How was he supposed to tell her what actually happened anyway. It was true that he did go on a mission though. It's always been a mission going through full moons and even harder ever since the Marauders had graduated from Hogwarts. He missed them. He's been alone for so many years but maybe he wouldn't have to anymore.

"You're lying." She said and Remus sighed. He wasn't normally a terribly liar. It was usually him who got his friends out of detention back during their schooldays anyways. Either his lying skills have gotten worst or she could see right through his lies. Remus didn't know which one he'd prefer.

"I fell down?"

"You're lying to me again. Remus please, why can't you just tell me the truth for once?"

This was it. This was going to be the moment where she kicks him out or calls the Ministry. Either way, she would probably lost any interest she's ever had in him, if she was ever interested in him anyways. Remus inhaled aa shaky breath, closing his eyes as he prepared for the reaction he was just sure he was going to get as he said: "I'm a werewolf."

When he was met with silence and felt no movement on the bed, he opened his eyes to see that Tonks was still looking at him. She didn't look scared or disgusted as he had expected but instead she looked sad.


"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Blimey I didn't except that. Do you need anything? You must be hungry, let me go grab some-"

"Tonks!" Cut off in the midst of her rambling, Tonks looked down at Remus and raised a brow at him. "You're not scared?"

"Scared?" She scoffed. "The only thing I'm scared of is you not having enough strength so you rest here while I go and get some food for you."

Remus watched as she pulled the covers up to his chin and smiled at him before walking out of the room. He heard her mutter something along the lines of 'I don't even cook' as she walked out causing him to chuckle

Maybe I don't have to be alone anymore.

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