𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐔𝐒, healer

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A Remus Lupin x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: In which one of the volunteers helping Madame Pomfrey catches Remus eye

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SUMMARY: In which one of the volunteers helping Madame Pomfrey catches Remus eye. Unfortunately for him, the only time he sees them is in the hospital wing after full moons.

CONTAINS: gender-neutral!reader, mentions of injuries and tending for said wounds, remus is lowkey nervous. (922 words)

AUTHORS NOTE: old draft of mine i found and decided to edit and finish. also one of my first few remus drafts that i abandoned so sorry for any errors on his characterizations i'm still new to it

 also one of my first few remus drafts that i abandoned so sorry for any errors on his characterizations i'm still new to it

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Full moons were beautiful.

Representing completion and clarity, it wasn't a surprise that everybody found beauty in its presence. Or at least, a majority found beauty in it.

Remus Lupin for one, absolutely dreaded full moons. He hated the height of power and the monster that he became during those nights. Most nights he couldn't even remember what had happened the night before, only waking up in the Hospital Wing to know that new scars would have been formed when old ones had just finally healed. He hated those mornings but at least he was able to see you on those mornings.

It could get hectic in the Hospital Wing so Madame Pomfrey was always welcoming students who wanted to volunteer and help out. When you had first started you were only allowed to heal minor cuts and bruises but the longer you stayed and learned, the more complicated and serious injuries you were able to tend to. This was when you were able to meet Remus who despite being in a  terrible amount of pain and guilt, smiled warmly at you as you changed his bandages.

That was the only thing he looked forward to waking up after a full moon. Your soft touch was comforting enough to put him at ease and the way you smiled at him was enough to make him forget the previous night's events. Even if it were only for a few moments, he always looked forward to it so you can imagine his shock when Madame Pomfrey came to change his bandages instead of you one morning.

"Expecting somebody else Mr. Lupin?" She asked as she started unwrapping the old bandages from last night. He just barely caught the teasing edge of her tone of her words as his mind drifted to other thoughts.

"Oh, yes. It's just that (Y/N) usually comes and does it, says that you have other stuff to do and-"

"Well (Y/N) would be here right now if I knew where they were. I haven't seen them since last night."

Remus felt his heart drop. Millions of different thoughts and possibilities raced through his mind as he started to assume the worst. What if you had followed him and his friends last night? What if you saw him transform and decided to never see him again? Or what if he even hurt you after? He could briefly remember being covered in more blood than usual when he was being brought back to the school but yet again, it could've just been some poor animal. He was too caught up worrying about possibly hurting you that had it not been for the sound of the curtain being pulled away, he probably would've given himself a headache from his thoughts.

"I'm here! Madame Pomfrey I am so sorry for oversleeping. My alarm didn't go off and even my dormmates didn't-"

"Don't apologize to me child, apologize to Mr. Lupin here. He was expecting you." Madam Pomfrey said to the person he was previously so worried about. He could've sworn he saw her wink before leaving to tend to her other duties, leaving the two of them alone.

You were still out of breath as you smoothed your clothes and grabbed a roll of fresh bandages from his bedside. Flashing the boy a soft smile, you carefully began wrapping his wounds.

Far too focused on the task at hand, you didn't sense him staring at you with a small smile on his face. There was something about you that made his heart flutter whenever your fingers would brush across his skin so softly, let alone be around him—even if it was your job to do so, it still felt special to him.

He didn't even notice that you were done with his wounds until he heard you begin to clean up. Turning his head to the side, he saw you organize the rolls of bandages and ointments onto the table before giving him a smile goodbye.

A sudden wave of confidence seemed to wash over him as he called out your name. You had just opened the curtain separating him from the other patients when you had turned around, confusion and worry on your face as you waited for him to continue.

"Thank you, for always helping me. It means alot."

You smiled at his words. "Well it is my job to do so, but I appreciate your thankfulness. It's nice to work with you, not many students who end up here are the nicest towards us volunteers."

"I was also wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me? This weekend maybe? I should be better by then."

The confidence went away just as quickly as it came, allowing the nerves to settle in as he anxiously waited for your response. Remus could've sworn time slowed in that moment.

"I have to help Madame Pomfrey in the morning but I should be able to join you around 2?"

A sigh of relief escaped his lips though he desperately hoped you didn't notice. "Yeah that sounds great, and if you can't make it I'll probably end up back here sooner or later." He quickly shut his mouth, mentally scolding himself for saying that. "I'll see you this weekend then?"

"I'll see you then," You laughed as you began heading out. "Oh and Remus?"


"Please try to not end up back here, I promise you it won't be as fun spending time together in the Hospital wing as you may think."

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