𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, happily ever after

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A Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

PROMPTS: "What happened to their happily ever after?" "Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it's just once upon a time

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PROMPTS: "What happened to their happily ever after?" "Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it's just once upon a time."

WARNING(S): Mentions/implication of death, angst (?), mentions of pregnancy, Fem!Reader (544 words)

AUTHORS NOTE: Kinda cringe in my opinion but thats just because writing romance is kinda iffy for me but still kinda angsty

Harry found himself spending more time with Professor Lupin, who he now called Remus, as he met with the Order more and more

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Harry found himself spending more time with Professor Lupin, who he now called Remus, as he met with the Order more and more. At first it was only because he couldn't sleep at night but now, he found himself sitting with a cup of tea listening to one of his many stories whenever he could.

Currently, he was sitting at the kitchen table with Remus across of him. It had been nearly two months since Sirius' death and neither of them had talked about him until now.

"What was he like? When you were all younger of course." He asked.

A look flashed on Remus' face and Harry was going to change the topic but it was too late. "Well what exactly do you want to know?"

"I don't know, anything really. Did he have someone?"

Sadness seemed to cloud his expression as his face fell. "Yes, he did. her name was (Y/N) (Y/L/N) or well, Black actually. (Y/N) Black. " He replied quietly.

"What happened to them?" Harry asked. He didn't remember Sirius ever mentioning anybody. Now thinking about it, he was sure Sirius never even talked about his Hogwarts year much aside from stories of him and his dad.

"They fell in-love. It was basically your typical muggle fairy-tail come true. They started dating in fourth year, got married four months after graduating than found out they were expecting by the end of November. Your father and I joked that they were waiting for that to happen since they started dating" Remus said with a half-hearted laugh though Harry could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke. "But then for some God forsaken reason, Walburga decided to intervene years after his disownment. Said things about how he wasn't going to marry a muggleborn even if he was disowned and I guess the stress from his mother was too much and..."

The cup of tea was cold now as Harry looked at Remus. He had trailed off and looked like he was regretting even talking. "And they somehow ignore her right?"

"(Y/N) lost the baby. Than as if they hadn't gone through enough, she was also killed by Death Eaters on a mission."

"What- what happened to their happily ever after? You said it was like a fairy-tale and those always have happy endings."

Remus let out another half-hearted laugh as he took a sip of his tea. "Harry my boy, perhaps I forgot to mention one thing. Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it's just once upon a time."

"That's so cruel." Harry said softly.

"Well it is life, and it's never been known to be kind. Take me for example, it's made me watch as all my friends die but I guess that's what happens when war is brewing again." His tone was dry but Harry could see past the façade. He could see past to the pain that just never seemed to end.

"I'll end it for them." Harry said causing Remus to look up from his cup of tea. "I'll end it for you, for them, for anybody who died or lost someone because of this war. I'll end it."

Remus smiled softly at him. He remembers hearing those words from someone many years ago.

"I know."

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