𝐓𝐎𝐌, not her

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Tom Riddle x Reader

SUMMARY: To decipher between what's real and what's fake is a talent and Tom, is a master at it

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SUMMARY: To decipher between what's real and what's fake is a talent and Tom, is a master at it

WARNING(S): Tom torturing some poor soul per usual, Fem!Reader (440 words)

"You're not her" Tom said in a cold tone, his back still facing 'you' who stood at door to your shared bedroom

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"You're not her" Tom said in a cold tone, his back still facing 'you' who stood at door to your shared bedroom.

"What do you mean Tommy? I'm right here-"

"Do you take me as some daft boy?" Tom snapped and now had his wand pressed under the impersonators chin. Fear clouded their eyes and though they tried to cover it, he could see right through the mask. "Where is she?"

"I'm right here." They replied calmly, wincing in pain as Tom's wand dug into their skin.

They truly must not remember how capable he is. To send an impersonator under polyjuice potion and think that he'll fall for it. They may have your physical appearance but they don't have that aura you carry, that energy you fill every room you enter with. They lack all of your true self and it disgusted him how they thought he'd fall for it. Such a faulty plan.

Tom looked in disguise as the person whimpered in fear. Had he fallen for the act he would've found the truth by now. You never would've let him point his wand at you, not without a fight that is.

"Now, I'll ask one more time. Where is she?" He growled, wand still pressed under their chin as the person struggled to remove it.

"Don't want to answer hmm? I heard the cruciatus curse, is quite powerful now is it?" Their eyes widened at the mention of one of the Unforgivable Curses. A smirk grew on Tom's lips as he removed the wand from under their chin. "I haven't had much entertainment lately, let's see some shall we?"

He pointed his wand at their chest, watching as they fought with their mind on what to do.

"She's in Azkaban!" A flash of worry crossed his face but he wiped it off, a smirk now masking his worry as he pointed his wand back towards the impersonator. Now it was their turn for worry.

"For pretending to be (Y/N)," Tom said with a wicked grin, the crucio curse hitting them in the chest as they dropped to their knees. Their screams of pain echoing through the Manor but no one would be there to save them. "Maybe next time you shouldn't take what's mine."

Tom left them with his followers who locked them in the basement while he figured out how to break you out.

It was nearly half an hour later when he finally came up with a plan. Sighing, he got up from his desk and called his followers. He explained to them his plans and selected two to accompany him just in case something were happen.

It was time to save what was his.

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