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A Theseus Scamander x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: Theseus takes you to your first Ministry Party

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SUMMARY: Theseus takes you to your first Ministry Party

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, mentions of alcohol consumption (600 words)

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, mentions of alcohol consumption (600 words)

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"I didn't expect this many people." You muttered under your breath though you were certain Theseus heard you. The grip you had on Theseus' arm tightened as you both walked past the journalists at the gates.

A breath of relief that you didn't know you were holding in escaped your lips once you had entered the Ministry Party causing Theseus to laugh.

"Had I known being a war heroes date would give me this much attention I would've just stayed home." You sighed while quickly fixing your hair.

"Well you're already here and you'd only get more attention if you left so looks like you're stuck with me for the rest of the night." Theseus chuckled, holding out his hand for you to take.

Playfully rolling your eyes, you took his hand and let him lead you inside where a few Ministry Officials immediately greeted the two of you. After 5 long minutes of polite smiles and small introductions the Officials had left and you sighed again for the second time that night.

"You really don't like this do you?" Theseus said with a grin as he grabbed two drinks, handing one to you.

"Just not used to it, not everyone lived in fame and glory Scamander." You replied before taking a sip of the drink. He laughed and watched as you finished the drink in your hand then immediately went to grab a second one.

"Do you want one?" You asked, noticing Theseus trying to stifle his laughter though you didn't know why. He only shook his head no and you shrugged as you grabbed your drink.

"If I'm going to have to deal with this," you started, motioning around the room for emphasis, "I'm gonna need a few drinks."

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle it love?"

Rolling your eyes at his question, you downed the drink then went for another as if to prove that you could handle it.

That was something both you and Theseus knew to be false but you were too stubborn to admit it.

By your fifth glass Theseus was your main support for being able to stand up straight. The first part of the night was spent dancing on the vast ballroom while the second part was in Theseus's arms while he tried to keep you standing upright.

When the party was nearly over, he excused the two of you and picked you up into his arms before apparating to your home. Laying you down on your bed he helped you change out of your dress and into some more comfortable clothes. During the process of rummaging through your wardrobe Theseus discovered quite a few of his own clothing but was not surprised. It took him a good 10 minutes to finally get you changed into a white long sleeve and black athletic shorts, both of which had been missing from wardrobe for months.

"Do you want me to stay or go home?" Theseus asked though he already knew the answer.

Instead of saying anything, you opened your arms causing him to laugh as he shrugged off his jacket and climbed into the bed. The scent of his cologne filled your nostrils as you nuzzled into his chest. His hands rubbed your back in a soothing manner to help you fall asleep quicker, the closeness between the two do you letting him practically feel your heartbeat. He only stopped when he heard your soft snores, smiling as he admired how peaceful you looked.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He whispered as he placed a kiss on your nose which made you stir and nuzzle back into his chest.

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