𝐓𝐎𝐌, his downfall

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A Tom Riddle x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: The Dark Lord's downfall is nearing and it'll be at the hands of the person he's wronged the most

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SUMMARY: The Dark Lord's downfall is nearing and it'll be at the hands of the person he's wronged the most

WARNING(S): OOC!Tom, gender-neutral!reader, slight past betrayal? idk (668 words)

WARNING(S): OOC!Tom, gender-neutral!reader, slight past betrayal? idk (668 words)

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The manor looked to be empty and abandoned but you knew better than to leave. Wand clutched tightly in your hand, you entered the manor and easily navigated through it to what was once the master bed room. Inside was a man who stood with their back was facing you as they stood on the balcony but you didn't need to see their face to know who it was.

"I grieved your death." The familiar voice sent shivers down your spine, their tone was laced with pain and betrayal as they spoke, as Tom spoke.

"And I waited for you."

He fell silent at your words. He was never one to be silenced by another, any person who dared to do so would be killed within seconds but you were an exception. You were always the exception.


"What. What excuse do you have for me now. You can break Lestrange out of Azkaban but couldn't find 10 minutes to save me from the Order given years?" Your voice echoed throughout the room and Tom could only stand there. You were right, he did break Bellatrix out of Azkaban fairly quickly but didn't even try to find you when the Order held you hostage until you decided to finally join their side. It was mainly due to spite at the time but they didn't mind.

"So why are you here then?"

"I'm here on a mission." He finally turned around to face you and though he tried to hide it, you could see the guilt written all over his face. He looked the same as before.

"You don't seem to be doing a good job at it." He replied with a smirk as he started to step closer towards you. "Did they think you, out of all people, would be able to kill me, love?

"Oh trust me, my lord, I've been very successful on my mission." His face fell as a smirk started to grow on your lips.

He cocked a brow and looked at you, trying to read your mind and you let him. Your mission was already done anyways.

"You tricked me!" He was baffled to say the least. You had made him believe that your mission was to kill him when it was really to distract him. The Order needed him to be distracted while Azkaban brought back their escaped prisoners. You had managed to trick the Dark Lord and not many have lived to tell the tale until now.

"Terribly sorry my lord. Perhaps if you're quick enough you may be able to save Lestrange from the Dementors kiss."

"What do you want from me?" He screamed and you almost stumble back before quickly composing yourself and closing the space between the two of you. Face practically inches from his ear causing the hairs on his arm to stand on end.

"Your downfall." You whispered before apparating out of the manor, leaving Tom to stand and wonder exactly what to do. Most of his Death Eaters were in Azkaban by now and though he should be breaking them out there was something deep inside of him that wanted to go after you.

All these years he had believed it when the Order boasted about killing the Dark Lord's lieutenant. He grieved your death, his Death Eaters saw it then all of a sudden you're sent on a mission years later. He would have welcomed you with open arms if you were ready to come home but he could tell that your alliances had changed. If you were to ever change your mind and join him he knew he'd welcome you home immediately.

"I'm pathetic." He muttered to himself before apparating back to where his Death Eaters should've been, expect now, it was all empty. He scoffed at the thought of his own Death Eaters being defeated by a few Order members but yet again, they had you. You knew everything about him and his Death Eaters, each ones weakness and just what to say in order to strike a nerve. With you on their side, it would only be a matter of time before his downfall and the Dark Lord was gone for good.

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