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A Newt Scamander x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: You help Newt with the kelpie

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SUMMARY: You help Newt with the kelpie

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, thats it i think? (634 words)

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, thats it i think? (634 words)

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"Perhaps you should take off your shirt." Bunty suggested, his coat and vest in her arms as she stood staring at the boy. As he was rolling up his sleeves when the door to his basement opened to reveal you.

Bunty sighed and rolled her eyes, looking back to see Newt staring at you lovingly. When you reached the bottom of the steps Newt had passed by Bunty to pull you into a sweet kiss only to be interrupted by her clearing her throat.

"Right, the kelpie." Newt said after pulling away from your lips. "Bunty you should go home. You must be exhausted."

The assistants face fell to a frown. "But you know the kelpie's easier with two."

"Yes I know, (Y/N) can help. You go home and rest." He replied, ignoring his assistant's obvious attempts of trying to stay with him. You on the other hand wasn't so oblivious and knew of these attempts but just brushed them off knowing Newt was probably ignoring her attempts for a reason. It'd only give her ideas and his heart already belonged to you. There was no changing that.

"Perhaps you should take a few layers off love." He teased with a smirk played on his lips as he shot you a playful wink. You only rolled your eyes and rolled up the sleeves of your white blouse.

Newt extended his hand for you to take and guided you to the edge where the kelpie swam.

"Oh darling your hair, here let me tie it." You handed him your hair tie and let him tie it into a low ponytail. Placing a kiss on your temple he looked at you as if asking if you were ready. When you nodded, the two of you jumped down into the water hand in hand.

Beneath the waters surface the search for the kelpie started though did not last long. It swam viciously through the water, hitting Newt in the process as it swam past the two of you. While Newt tried to regain his posture you were able to hold onto the kelpie as it swam through the water, raising the water level where Bunty still stood but you lost your grip.

Following the kelpie you noticed that Newt was able to get a grip and rode on its back as it jumped up to the surface.

"Someone needed to let off some steam." Newt said as the kelpie swam towards the stairs so he could get off its back. Bunty handed him the ointment which he quickly applied to the kelpie. When he was finished he sighed and stood up, looking around for you who was no where in sight.

"Did (Y/N) come up yet?" He asked Bunty worriedly. Bunty only shook her head which made him worry even more. Pushing his brown waves back he got ready to dive back into the water when he heard a gasp.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaimed, jumping into the water and quickly swimming towards you.

Bunty stood at the edge, not bothering to lend a hand until Newt asked for a towel. She flashed him a sweet smile as she handed him a towel but frowned when she realized it was for you.

"Are you alright?" He asked you who was coughing and shivering. You nodded but Newt frowned, knowing that you weren't. Grabbing his wand, he waved it over your body, your clothes immediately drying which stopped the shivering. He did the same for himself then wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his chest as he placed a kiss on your temple.

"Let's go upstairs, I'll run you a hot bath and make you some tea." Newt said as he scooped you up into his arms. "I'll see you tomorrow Bunty. Remember to close the door behind you when you leave."

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