𝐓𝐎𝐌, promises

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A Tom Riddle x Reader Blurb

PROMISESA Tom Riddle x Reader Blurb

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PROMPTS: "You win, happy?"

WARNING(S): Ghost!Reader, angst? (356 words)

AUTHORS NOTE: I didn't mention it but the promise was that Tom and the reader would be together forever. sorry about that

There were many things you learned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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There were many things you learned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You learned about magic - something which you always thought only existed in fairytales and fiction -, you learned about friendship, and you also learned about trust. You had learnt to not trust every pretty face who claims to love you. Sadly, you learned the hard way.

Years went by and you were still in the Chamber of Secrets. Not a day over the age of 16.

You were usually seen wandering the school halls but often spent your time in the chamber. Your body still remained there since no one was able to find it. Not even a resting place for your restless soul.

It felt like forever until you saw him again. He looked the same.

Of course he'd look the same! You thought to yourself. It was the same part of his soul which you used to talk to. The same one that would hold your books when you were tired and let you sleep on his shoulder. But it was also the part of his soul which had killed you for his own needs.

"I kept my promise." He told you.

Unlike you, he looked alive. You had decided to become a ghost after death but since he had his horcruxes, he didn't need to in order to keep his prescence on Earth.

"You know Tom," you said, enjoying how his jaw clenched at the mention of the name he so desperately tried to forget, "You've made several promises to me during the course of my lifetime. Only one of them you actually kept though."

"And which one is that?"

"That you'll be the one responsible for my downfall. I told you it was impossible but you promised me and you were right. I wasn't able to say it back then but I can now so there, you win, happy?"

Tom stood there, unsure of what to say or do. This only angered you more but before he could say even try and say something, you were floating away, leaving him in the Chamber of Secrets where your body laid never to be found. The only promise he ever kept.

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