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A Regulus Black x Reader Blurb

SACRIFICESA Regulus Black x Reader Blurb

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PROMPTS: Regulus lives AU

CONTAIN(S): they/them pronouns used for and deceased!Reader, angst, Regulus and Sirius make up, kinda (261 words)

CONTAIN(S): they/them pronouns used for and deceased!Reader, angst, Regulus and Sirius make up, kinda (261 words)

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"I told them it was stupid." Regulus said as tears streamed down his face. It looked like he was holding them in for a while.

Sirius looked down at his brother. At the boy who rarely showed anything more than a smile, finally cry. It broke his heart to see him like this.

"But of course I have to love the most stubborn person on earth," He said with a chuckle in hopes of masking the pain in his tone. "And they did it before I could even consider taking their place."

Regulus fell to his knees, arms across his chest as if he was hugging someone— hugging them, as he cried.

The once so called "prince" of the House of Black fell to his knees and mourned the loss of a halfblood he called his lover. Oh how Walburga would have been furious had she still been alive.

"They're gone." He managed to say between his sobs.

Meanwhile, Sirius was still contemplating on how to react. On one hand, he knew there was a way to defeat the Dark Lord for once and for all but on the other, it cost the life of his baby brothers lover. And despite claiming to not want anything to do with those from the House of Black, Sirius found it hard to push away the boy he had grown up with.

Silently, Sirius pulled up his brother by the arm and pulled him into his chest. Letting the boy cry into his chest while he held him, just like when they were kids.

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