𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, rumours

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A Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: When rumors arise of Sirius cheating, you take it upon yourself to deal with them

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SUMMARY: When rumors arise of Sirius cheating, you take it upon yourself to deal with them

WARNING(S): fem!reader (675 words)
Osacausi: A dark charm that seals the victims mouth shut as if it were never there

WARNING(S): fem!reader (675 words) Osacausi: A dark charm that seals the victims mouth shut as if it were never there

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Sirius walked to Potions class hearing whispers from the students around him. He didn't stop to listen but he did hear bits of their conversations, the line "Sirius cheated on (Y/N)" being a reoccurring sentence among them all.

"Why are they saying that I cheated?" He muttered to James as they headed down to the dungeons.

James shrugged in response. "Some girl probably got jealous and thought it'd break you two up."

Sirius froze in his spot. "(Y/N), what if she actually think's I cheated? Bloody hell I can't lose her-"

"Have some faith in her, I'm sure she has some in you." James said reassuringly with a hand on his shoulder. Sirius only nodded and followed James to the classroom quietly. He was too worried to say anything and all he wanted to do was go and find you but James shot him a knowing look. Sirius sat down and stared at the empty seat beside him. Your seat.

What felt like hours later he saw Remus walk in but you weren't beside him. You had told him that you and Remus would be studying in the library before Potions. Had you believed the rumors and were now avoiding him? He thought to himself only to be interrupted by Professor Slughorn entering the classroom.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Sirius turned around to ask Remus who was sitting next to James. As Remus was going to reply, Professor Slughorn's voice caught everyone's attention and Sirius felt his breath hitched when he turned around.

"Ms (Y/L/N), care to explain why you're late?"

Before you could wipe the smirk off your face to reply a Professor stepped forward from behind you. "She hexed two Ravenclaws in the hallway."

"In my defense Professor, they should've known better than to spread lies." You replied smugly and Sirius felt his shoulders relax knowing that you hadn't believed what they were saying.

"Take your seat (Y/N)." Slughorn said as he tried to hide his obvious smile. You were one of his favorite students and enjoyed watching as you'd start to stand up for yourself more. In your first two years you wouldn't do much to defend yourself, you'd just simply ignore it and walk off though Slughorn urged you to stand up for yourself. Now, four years later and here you are defending yourself. He couldn't be more proud of you.

Slughorn went into the hallway to talk to the Professor that took you to Potions, leaving the class full of sixth years to engage into their own conversations. Sirius beamed up at you as you made your way to your seat and you couldn't help but smile back.

"Which hex did you use?" James eagerly asked after you sat down.

"Oscausi." You replied simply. The boy's looked as if their eyes were going to pop out of their sockets as they stared at you in shock. "Maybe that'll teach them how to keep their mouths closed."

"I think you guys are a bad influence on her." You heard Remus tell James which caused him to chuckle.

You turned to Sirius, a wide grin on his face as he stared at you admiringly. "Is there a reason these rumors even started?" You asked him with a cock brow. The same thing had happened when you two first dated and would usually start again when Sirius did something and people wanted for you to be mad. You've gotten used to the lies and have learned to ignore then. Or at least tried to.

"Some fifth year tried to convince me to go into broom closet with her, said she needed help with something." Sirius replied, rolling his eyes as he remembered it. "Don't worry though, I was going to deal with the rumors but you seemed to have beat me to it. To say I'm impressed is an understatement, you've never been one for revenge."

"What can I say, I've learnt from the best." You said with a smile. Remus groaned as he muttered something about you now being at risk of getting expelled causing the three of you to laugh.

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