𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓, perfect

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A Newt Scamander x Reader Blurb

REQUEST: Can I request Newt Scamander with s/o that's insecure about her body? Even better if she gets insecure when he works with another woman that's beautiful?

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REQUEST: Can I request Newt Scamander with s/o that's insecure about her body? Even better if she gets insecure when he works with another woman that's beautiful?

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, mentions of insecurity (425 words)

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, mentions of insecurity (425 words)

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"You're beautiful." He'd tell you throughout the day. Whether it be after waking up, while you worked or even just sitting there, he'd be sure to remind you any moment he could.

"You're perfect." He'd mumbled against your lips whenever he kissed you. Your face would burn red whenever he did it but he'd only smile before pressing his lips back onto yours. It got to a point where you even started to believe him, or at least until you guys got off the train to New York City.

Tina and Queenie Goldstein, the two sisters who took the two of you along with a muggle in. They were kind, exceptionally kind, though Tina did try to turn you both in at first, but they were also quite beautiful and seeing Newt work so well with them started to make you feel doubtful.

He'd still remind you whenever possible because to him you would always be the most beautiful and perfect person in his life but you thought otherwise. Every other female in life whether they were a romantic interest or friend were beautiful then came you. You were his first everything, first girlfriend, first kiss, first person who loved him back but that didn't stop the doubts from crossing your mind often.

"You're wrong you know?" Queenie said softly, breaking you out of your thoughts. You were sat on a bench in Newt's shed while he was talking to Tina and the muggle, Jacob, about one of his creatures.

"What if I'm right?" You replied. It was stupid, for she could read minds for Merlin's sake. Of course she was right.

"He loves you. A lot. He only sees Tina and I as friends and that's all we'll ever be to him. You are the one who will always have his heart."

From behind her you caught Newt's stare. A smile grew on his face when the two of you made eye contact and you felt your heart start to race as you smiled back. The creature in his arms was placed back in its nest before Newt started to walk over towards you. Queenie had stepped out of the way and headed back to where her sister stood as they watched the scene before them.

He pressed his lips onto yours as if you haven't seen each other in weeks. "You're perfect." He mumbled against your lips as he pulled away. You smiled and pressed your lips back onto his. Though your doubts still remained, you took his word for it and believed him.

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