𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒, gentle angel

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A Regulus Black x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: In which Regulus finds out something about his partner (who had different exceptions of how he would react)

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SUMMARY: In which Regulus finds out something about his partner (who had different exceptions of how he would react).

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader, asexual!reader, coming out (as ace), based off of Leith Ross' demo version of their song, We'll Never Have Sex. also unedited. (778 words)

AUTHORS NOTE: (this is totally not me self projecting uhhhhh) the reader is, as stated above, asexual (lacks sexual attraction to others) in this oneshot which is obviously different from aromantic (lacks romantic interest/desire for romantic relationships) as i am not aro and don't think i would be able to write an aro!reader fic as well as it should be represented (i hope i worded that right).

AUTHORS NOTE: (this is totally not me self projecting uhhhhh) the reader is, as stated above, asexual (lacks sexual attraction to others) in this oneshot which is obviously different from aromantic (lacks romantic interest/desire for romantic rela...

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Relationships were made of trust, communication and love—amongst other things as well—and while you tried your best to be completely open with Regulus, there was still something you didn't know if you were ready to say yet. You knew he wouldn't mind you not telling him right away but it's also been awhile since you're found out so how long is really needed before you tell him? Of course, you could go your entire relationship without telling him but you feared that the guilt that's formed inside your system would eat you alive if you didn't tell him soon. And so that's what you did.

You didn't know what to expect when you told him the news, you didn't even plan to tell him yet but it just managed to slip out of your lips with little regard as to what wouldl happen next.

"What?" He asked, pausing whatever you were both previously talking about to look at you with an unreadable expression. The uncertainty of it terrified you. Merlin, what'd you get yourself into?

"(Y/N)?" His voice was gentle, not demanding or rough with anger like you had thought you'd receive.

"I'm uh, I'm asexual." You muttered out, diverting your eyes downwards to your feet as you waited for any sort of negative reaction like your anxiety made you expect but it never came. Instead, you felt the bed shift beside you as a weight filled the spot directly on your left before a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your shoulder. Regulus had pulled you into his chest and with that, the tears you didn't know you were holding back came rushing out.

Despite the thought of coming out to him never crossing your mind before, you still didn't think it would result in so many tears. You didn't have this reaction when you told your friends who acted in a similar manner to him so why were you crying now?

Was it because you thought he would've left you? Thought he'd lash out and say everything you dreaded hearing upon figuring out you were asexual? A sense of shame and guilt washed over you upon realizing it'd be the opposite reaction you'd receive.

You had tried to say something while still choking on sobs and barely being able to breath but he was quick to stop you. Somehow pulling you closer into his chest so that you were on his lap, he let you melt into his gentle embrace as he rocked you back and forth gently. "You don't have to tell me anything else right now, I accept and love you for who you are."

His words were comforting and while you hated it, they ended up making you cry even more and you could sense the worry when you did so. Thinking you heard him wrong, he began repeating those phrases which had the same effect as the first time in the best way possible.

"Darling please, I don't want you to cry. Did I say something wrong? I love you in all your entirety, whether you want to sleep with me or not." He said, masking the sobs threatening to come with a laugh.

"No," You managed to say, lifting your head from his chest to cup his face with one hand. "You didn't say anything wrong at all." I'm sorry for thinking you would.

"Oh angel." He mumbled before connecting his lips with yours. It was gentle, but so passionate and loving. The way he handled you so cautiously as to not make you uncomfortable while showing he loves you just the same as he did before you told him made your heart flutter. A voice in your head said it was silly to be crying over such a thing because of course he'd still love you! When has he ever expressed otherwise for you think that, but the confirmation that he still loves you filled you with more joy and comfort than you ever imagined possible.

"My sweet angel." He'd mumbled just barely against your lips before connecting them back with yours. His hand still remained on your cheek while the other rested on your waist to keep you both stable. "I could never hate you. I fell in-love with you, with how passionate you are, how beautiful of a person you are, and how you loved me, not because I want to sleep with you."


"No buts," He cut you off before pressing a kiss to your head. "If you don't want to do it then I'm perfectly fine with that, as long as you're comfortable. I love you for you, and nothing could ever change that."

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