𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, see you again

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A Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: After falling through the veil during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Sirius is welcomed in the afterlife by a familiar face

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SUMMARY: After falling through the veil during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Sirius is welcomed in the afterlife by a familiar face

WARNING(S): Gryffindor!Reader, fem!reader (442 words)

Sirius fell through the veil with a smile as he took one last look at his godson

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Sirius fell through the veil with a smile as he took one last look at his godson. He wanted to say something, anything, but darkness flooded his vision quicker than he could have expected. The screams from Harry was the last thing he heard as he welcomed the darkness.

It felt like hours until he saw light as again, stepping through the veil only this time on the other side. He sighed as he looked back, hoping to see Harry, or Remus, or anybody, but he only saw the black abyss he had just fell through.

"Sirius?" A faint voice called from behind him. Turning his back towards the veil Sirius saw a familiar silhouette running towards him. (Y/H/C) hair flowing as they ran towards him with a smile he had missed for so many years; (Y/N).

"Darling," He croaked as she ran into his arms. His arms snaked around her waist as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

For the next few minutes the two stayed in stood in each others arms, tears streaming down both their faces as they held each other for the first time in years. Had it not been for James and Lily who appeared beside them they probably would never let go.

The reunion was bittersweet for all of them, sure they were finally able to see each other again but Sirius had also just finally escaped Azkaban. He was so close to being able to raise Harry as his godfather but now it can't happen anymore.

His mind filled with doubts and regrets until he took one look at the women he had fallen in love with during his third year and that was when Sirius realized he was alright with dying. He was finally reunited with the person he had planned his entire future with before being killed by the Dark Lord himself.

"Harry will be fine, right?" He asked, looking at James and Lily who only smiled softly before nodding.

It may take him a while to believe it but right now, his mind was on someone else. James and Lily watched as their friend released a sigh of relief before averting his gaze towards the women standing beside him.

"I have missed you so so much." He said, his voice barely audible as he choked back tears. Both hands cupped her face and they both stared at each other as if to make sure that this was really happening before he dipped his head to connect his lips onto hers.

They've waited 15 years for this exact moment and though she felt as though it was too soon, she didn't mind.

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