𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘, jealous

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A Lily Evans x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: Based off the prompt "Are you jealous?"

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SUMMARY: Based off the prompt "Are you jealous?"

WARNING(S): gender-neutral!reader (515 words

It was well known around Hogwarts that James had a thing for your best-friend, Lily Evans

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It was well known around Hogwarts that James had a thing for your best-friend, Lily Evans. You couldn't blame him though, admittedly, you also liked her but your feelings weren't as known like James' were. And even if you were to make your feelings known, why would she choose you, a muggle born (Y/H), over the James Potter.

These were the questions that clouded your mind when she would stand a little too close to you or accidentally brush her hands over or when her hugs would last a little longer than those compared to her friends. You were left so utterly confused that you didn't understand why she had stormed off when James pulled you by the waist to pull you down onto the couch. The two of you were good friends and his flirty side often came out whenever he was with those he were close with. 

As you ran out after her you wondered why she seemed so upset. Sure he grabbed you by the waist but everyone knows he was practically in-love with her.

"Lily! For Merlin's sake can you just slow down?" You called out, mentally thanking her for listening and stopping. Her back was still facing you so you walked around so that you were facing each-other. "W-why? Why did you run out?"

"Seriously? You're asking why I ran out?"

"Are you jealous because he pulled be down by the waist?"

The redhead was still mad but nodded her head causing you to sigh.

"Lily literally everyone at Hogwarts knows that he's in-love with you. He's just natural flirty-"

"Wait a minute. You think I like James?" She cut you off midsentence and you raised a brow at her.

"Isn't that why you ran out?" You asked her and she let out a long sigh. She mumbled something under her breath but you couldn't quite catch it all. From what you could understand, it was something among the lines of: "Bloody hell you're oblivious."

You opened your mouth to say something but Lily had again cut you off. "(Y/N), darling, did you think we have is just a friendship?" She asked you, watching as your cheeks flushed red at the pet name. It wasn't the first time her words have effected you this way but you always seemed to brush it off.

The confused look on your face seemed to intensify, if that was even possible, and she mumbled something under her breathe before cutting you off again. This time though, instead of cutting you off with her words she decided to be a little more physical. Cupping your face with her hands, she pulled you closer to her and pressed her lips onto yours. You stumbled a bit but her hands found their to your waist, stabilizing you as you melted into the kiss.

When you both pulled away for air, she looked at you and asked: "Does that explain why I ran out now?"

Cheekily, you smiled at her. "I don't think so, maybe you should explain again." You replied and she smiled before reconnecting her lips onto yours.

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