𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐒, heather

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A Theseus Scamander x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: You knew somethign was wrong when someone was replacing you in Theseus' life and he only allowed it

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SUMMARY: You knew somethign was wrong when someone was replacing you in Theseus' life and he only allowed it

CONTAIN(S): fem!reader, my cringe writing from a year ago lmao but uploading now (again) for all of you to read (467 words)

CONTAIN(S): fem!reader, my cringe writing from a year ago lmao but uploading now (again) for all of you to read (467 words)

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The textbook opened in front of you no longer held your attention as you spaced out with thoughts racing through your mind. At first they were small doubts you were positive everyone had at least one in their life until they started becoming more of a problem. You couldn't even try to focus on a task such as studying anymore due to the thoughts that flooded your head. A headache formed as you struggled to stop the thoughts that had no desire to leave. It was torture.

Having to see the boy you called yours for two years suddenly start spending more time with another girl hurt you more than you'd like to admit. When he first said he had plans with someone else you were fine with it, you both had your own lives after all, but when he started cancelling plans to be with her was when you started to doubt your place in his life.

"You're my girlfriend, not her."

"I love you darling, she's just a friend."

At first his words reassured you but his actions made you doubt it. Cancelling your plans when you arrived at his Common Room, walking her to class instead of you, spending all his free times with her and overall just forgetting you.

"(Y/N)!" Theseus said enthusiastically with a grin, breaking you out of your thoughts. His tie was loosened around his neck with his brown locks a mess and you almost had to stop yourself from jumping to conclusions.

"Hey." You replied, flashing a weak smile though you doubted he noticed.

"Look," He started as he took the seat beside you, "I know we made plans to go to Hogsmeade today but I accidentally also made plans with-"

"It's okay." You cut him off abruptly as your eyes landed back on the textbook, no longer wanting to look at him.

Theseus sat there in silent shock, not sure what to say.

"Go, spend time with Heather." The way you said her name left a sour taste. Not even trying to hide your feelings anymore you rolled your eyes when you noticed the Hufflepuff was speechless. "I know you like her Theseus, everyone does, so here, I'll make it easier for you; we're over. Now go be with Heather, it's not like you wanted to spend time with me anyways."

"(Y/N) no-"

"What. I'm not wrong am I? I think I saw her wearing your sweatshirt last weekend-"

"It's just polyester! Merlin (Y/N), she was cold, what was I supposed to do?"

"Of course, that must explain the hand holding and kissing as well then I assume?" You retorted with an angry expression to mask your pain. Theseus' face fell when he realized just how much you knew yet he couldn't find the words to give you an explanation.

"I'm sorry I'm not her."

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