𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, worried sick

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A Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: Solo missions never sat well with Sirius as he'd always be so worried about you

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SUMMARY: Solo missions never sat well with Sirius as he'd always be so worried about you

WARNING(S): Injuries, gender-neutral!reader (520 words)

WARNING(S): Injuries, gender-neutral!reader (520 words)

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He should've been asleep. It was nearly three in the morning and he should be asleep but he couldn't. You've been on a Order mission all day already and usually, you'd be home by dinner. He sat in a chair in your shared bedroom, his leg nervously bouncing as he waited.

Thoughts and possibilities of the worst case scenarios flashed through his mind and he had to hold back tears as he prayed for them to not be true. He just wanted you home already.

The house was quiet and from the bedroom he could hear the front door clicking close. He grabbed his wand from the nightstand and quietly slipped out of the room. There was always a possibility of a Death Eater being sent to Order members homes and though Sirius desperately wished that it was only you, he couldn't be so sure.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs and he had to hold his breathe when he saw a familiar head of messy black curls clad in a black dress. It was his cousin, Bellatrix, or at least he thought. Before he could move any further her face started to warp. By the time it was finished you stood in her place, breathing heavily as you clutched your abdomen.

"Bloody hell (Y/N), I thought they found us." Sirius muttered as he went to your side. He draped your arm over his shoulder and apparated the two of you upstairs to the bedroom. "What happened?"

"Apparently your cousin enjoys roaming the premises more often than I thought." You tried to say jokingly only to wince in pain. "I tried healing spells but they didn't work. Hopefully it's just because I'm not the best in charms?"

Sirius tried to laugh, he really did. He wanted to lighten the mood and not be so worried but he couldn't help it. Instead he sighed and summoned one of his old potions textbooks. "You're one of the brightest witches I know love, it's definitely not that." He told you as he skimmed through the pages looking for a certain page.

He quickly found it and gathered the needed materials. While the potion brewed Sirius came over to sit beside you on the bed. He helped you change out of the dress you wore as Bellatrix so he could clean the wound. When the potion was ready, he helped you sit up so that you could drink it. He sighed in relief when it worked, placing a kiss on your cheek before cleaning up the slight mess he had created.

When he was done, he helped you change into one of his jumpers (because you insisted it'd help with the healing wound) and shorts before climbing into the bed beside you.

"I was worried sick." He said as he stroked your hair.

On the verge of sleep you were able to mumble, "I'm sorry." which earned a soft laugh from him. Though he was still worried that you gotten hurt by the Death Eaters, he was happy to at least have you home with him.

"Sleep my love, I'll be here."

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