𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, say it back

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A Sirius Black x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: The five times he's said 'I love you' and the one time you said it back

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SUMMARY: The five times he's said 'I love you' and the one time you said it back

WARNING(S): Alcohol and cigarettes use, Fem!Reader, Gryffindor!Reader (3,456 words)

WARNING(S): Alcohol and cigarettes use, Fem!Reader, Gryffindor!Reader (3,456 words)

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"I love you"

The words escaped his mouth before he could process the possible aftermath of them. You sat beside him, eyes closed as you leaned against the brick. He waited for your reaction, though, he was unsure if you had even heard him.



Sirius sighed in relief when he realized you hadn't heard his confession. He had fancied you since the moment the two of you met, quickly becoming best friends after the first day though he wished to be something more.

Either you were too oblivious to realize his feelings towards you or you simply didn't feel the same, either way it still hurt him like a stab to the heart so he created a reputation for himself. He started bringing a new girl into his dorm every night to satisfy his needs then moving on. He became what some would call, a playboy.

How ironic was it, that the supposed heartless playboy was heads over heels in love with the school jock. It was a little cliche in all honesty but he didn't mind.

"You did amazing today." Sirius said as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.

"Thank you, you've been telling me that ever since I got off my broom." You giggled, the sound making his heart flutter as he tried to conceal the smile that grew on his lips but you didn't notice. You never did. You never noticed how much you affected him and it killed him.

"Do you think we should go back to the party?" Sirius asked, secretly hoping that deep down you'd say no.

"Nah, I wanna stay here. Why, you wanna go back?"

"Oh n-no, I don't want to go back."


For the first time in forever, James came up with an idea that wouldn't risk anyone getting detention or worst, expelled. It was a sunny day out and he thought it'd be great to have a picnic at the Black Lake before your fifth year ends in a few weeks. The Marauders came along of course, but you, Lily, Mary and Marlene were also invited. You all met outside the Gryffindor common room at 1 in the afternoon.

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