𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒, come home

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A Sirius Black x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: Sirius ran away twice in his life; once at 16 and once at 18

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SUMMARY: Sirius ran away twice in his life; once at 16 and once at 18. The only difference being that he cut off all ties with the Wizarding World the second time he ran

WARNING(S): Small suggestive comment, Fem!Reader (1,045 words)

Sirius opened the door to his apartment, checking side to side to make sure no one was watching him before entering

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Sirius opened the door to his apartment, checking side to side to make sure no one was watching him before entering. He's had the feeling that someone was following him all day lately, leaving him on edge the entire time he was out. Closing the door behind him, he flicked on the lights only to stumble back in shock when he saw someone sitting in his living room. Someone he never expected to see again.

"You should really use anti-alohomora on your locks." You told him as you played with your wand.

"How'd you find me? Why are you even here-"

"Babe? Oh, who's this?"

Both you and Sirius turned to the door where a girl stood. You chuckled as you sat up from the couch and looked at Sirius. "A muggle, never expected that from you, Black."

"Why are you here, (Y/L/N)?"

"Her name is (Y/L/N)?" The girl beside, flinching when you let out a exasperated sigh.

"He's coming back and the Order needs you. He's coming after Harry as well." You told him, both you and Sirius ignoring his poor girl friend who was very confused.

"I'm sorry but who are you? And how do you know my boyfriend-"

"Can I use oscausi on her?" You cut her off by asking Sirius. He glared at you before quickly telling her to go to the bedroom so the two of you can talk. She looked like she wanted to protest but fought against it.

"Do not threaten my girlfriend like that ever again, got it?" He threatened as he took the seat across from you.

You ignored his threat, knowing that no matter how much he may have changed, he wouldn't do it. You grabbed your wand and muttered a quick silencing spell around the two of you. Sirius only watched and waited for your explanation.

"War is brewing." You said after a moment of silence.

"Don't you think I know that? Why do you think I left the Wizarding World the second we graduated why-"

"Why you left me? Why you just packed your stuff while I was asleep and didn't tell me anything?" You voice was louder than before, no longer the cool and calm tone but one of anger that had been built up inside of you for years. Sirius gulped knowing what was going to happen though he knew he deserved it.

"I know what I did was wrong but just hear me out. I have a new life, I'm happy, I'm in a relationship and as much as I miss you guys, I can't just go back and leave this all behind." The silence he received from you scared him. He sat there watching nervously as you organised your thoughts, every passing second killing him slowly.

"So that's your choice, you're not coming home?" He flinched when he heard you referred to it as home. He flinched because you both knew that the home you two had once shared was and still is his home. That would never change, no matter where he goes.

"Maybe my mother was right, you never really changed." Was the last thing you said before apparating out of his apartment.

For a short while Sirius remained in his seat. He wasn't sure what to do and if what he said was right. Sure he was happy and safe in the muggle world but his heart yearned for the world he grew up in. Yearned for a person he had promised the world to only to leave because he was scared. "I'm a bloody coward" he mumbled to himself before getting up from the seat and grabbing his keys.

He didn't know where he was going. In all honesty he just hopped onto his motorcycle and drove off. There was a feeling in his gut that told him the muggle bar just a few minutes away from Diagon Alley was the place to go. Never thought I'd be back he thought to himself as he looked around the familiar community before heading inside the bar.

It was lively inside, muggles dancing on the dance floor or ordering drinks at the bar filled the place but the witch talking to a guy down the bar was who he came for. Muttering a quick confundus charm, Sirius watched as the guy started to look dazed and confused, he had to bite back a laugh. As he got closer to the two of you, the muggle who was still under the charms effects decided to leave.

"He was quite handsome, shame he left though." You immediately turned around at the sound of the voice and was quite shocked to see Sirius standing behind you. As you were going to ask him how he even found you, something clicked in your mind.

"You charmed him." You said, looking from him to the guy who was now free of the charm's powers and was looking back at you with a confused expression. "Why, why would you do that?"

"He's a muggle, pretty sure it'd break the law of secrecy." He replied with a shrug before ordering a drink.

"And? You're dating one, why can't I? Not that I was looking for a boyfriend tonight anyways." You mumbled the last part and hoped that with the loud music blasting through your ears that he wouldn't catch it but he did. "Why are you even here, you said you weren't coming back so why?"

Luckily for Sirius, his drink arrived right after your question so he took the opportunity to finish it as slowly as possible to come up with an answer.

As he set the glass back down onto the table her nervously smiled at you. He was still unsure of how to reply but he knew he had to say something.

"I was scared, Bellatrix is a Death Eater and having to see my own family on the other side of this was something I didn't want to experience. So I ran."

"That still doesn't answer my question, why are you here."

"Perhaps it's time I stop running." He said and waited for your reaction.

Sirius released a sigh of relief when he saw the small smile creep onto your face. For some reason, seeing you angry at him hurt him. He watched as you raised your glass up.

"Welcome home, Black."

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