𝐓𝐎𝐌, too many chances

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A Tom Riddle x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: You've given Tom far too many chances until one day, you finally run out

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SUMMARY: You've given Tom far too many chances until one day, you finally run out.

WARNING(S): OOC!Tom (not too much though), gender-neutral!reader (600 words)

Seeing him walk into the Great Hall with an entourage of girls trailing behind him

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Seeing him walk into the Great Hall with an entourage of girls trailing behind him. This was a usual occurrence but it always boiled your blood how he would just smirk and pay no mind to it. You were so focused on them that you didn't notice that the death grip you were applying to your quill until a snap was heard.

"Need a new one?" The boy beside you say. Turning to the side to face him you noticed he was quite attractive, floppy brown hair with grey eyes and a charming smile, a spare quill in his hand.

"Thank you." You thanked him before accepting the quill. He shot you another friendly smile before it was quickly wiped off his face. Before you could even ask him why Tom's angry voice caught your attention "A word if I may?", the entourage of girls stood in the middle of the room waiting for him but he was focused on you.

The second you got up from your seat he was already dragging you out of your seat, ignoring your pleas to at least gather your stuff. Tom dragged you to an empty hallway where he finally released his grip on your robes.

"What the hell Tom!" You exclaimed as you smoothed the crease he had created but he only huffed in annoyance.

"That boy-"

"Gave me a spare quill because I broke mine."

"He was trying to flirt with you. Gosh (Y/N) how can someone be so dumb."

"So if someone giving me a spare quill is considered flirting then what is an entire entourage of girls following you everywhere. That's far worst and most of them even go as far as touching you but yes, go ahead and call me blind for an innocent gesture." Tom remained silent, unsure of how to respond because he knew you were right. Taking advantage of silence, you continued

"Those girls no know boundaries of any such and its quite sickening. They know I'm your girlfriend and they still flirt as if I'm nothing. Even worst, you do nothing to remind them that you have someone. The boy at least respected boundaries but of course, it's not a problem when it's you right?"

"(Y/N) I-" He said softly, arm out to grab yours.

"No!" You said now angered, yanking your arm out of his grasps leaving him shocked. "I'm sick and tired of you not caring about my feelings in this relationship regardless of the countless chances I've given you. I'm done, we're done."

"No (Y/N) please. I'll change, I promise just, please don't leave me. You're the only person in my life I love." His pleas made you scoff.

"Now how many times have I heard those exact words fall out of your mouth? And how many times have I been disappointed right after? I'm not as daft as you take me for, I've just had too much hope for you. I've wasted too many chances on you." And with that you headed in opposite direction, leaving Tom in the empty hallway. Tears brimmed his eyes and for the first time in forever, Tom felt like he's lost.

You truly were the only person he loved in his life but he let the attention get to his head. Your actions were not wrong for he would have done the same thing if he were you expect much earlier on. He's taken advantage of your forgiveness and got what he deserved in the end.

"I've wasted too many chances on you." Those words echoed echoed inside his mind and he knew they would haunt him forever.

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