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A Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

8:51pmA Sirius Black x Reader Blurb

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Desperation was a look no one would ever see on Sirius Black. No, he was far too above that to ever come to desperation of all things. To even imagine him in that state was pathetic which was why his sudden actions made your heart stop.

You watched as he dropped to one knee, then the other, before clapping them together as he held them before his chest. Begging. He was begging.

"Please marry me, I need a way out and this is the only way I could do that. I'll give you anything, just please help me this once." Tears were lining his eyes as he spoke and you stared at him speechlessly.

The two of you had barely been dating for a year and you still had a year left at Hogwarts. If marriage ever crossed your mind the scene you'd imagine was nowhere near this, there wasn't even a ring in sight but yet again, was this really a proposal or rather, a plea for help?

"(Y/N) please, I'll do anything! Marry me and I'll do anything, give you anything, just say the word, please."

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