Chapter 1: Tears Give You a Path

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

In the freezing February winter weather, I sit in front of my supermarket that's about to close due to how late it is. It's been about 20 minutes since I've gotten here. Forgetting the time, I look at my phone to see that it is eleven at night. I ignore the time not wanting to return home just yet, a night out by myself in the calm snow is what I need. 

The thought of me sneaking out again runs past my mind. I start to daze out on why I came out here. I can even start to feel the cold tears coming out and running down my face.

My hands are in my pocket and my face buried in my scarf, and I still feel so cold, being overwhelmed with everything I am facing. With me in a daze, I didn't realize that someone was trying to get my attention. I can't even tell how many times they tried. It was an employee of the supermarket.

"I'm sorry but, you can't sit here for any longer. You're going to have to go." He said.

He doesn't sound sorry about kicking me out. I looked up at him, feeling that no one really cares about me and started crying even harder. I couldn't hold it in or control it, I had to let it out. I can feel the few people who were walking by staring at me, like they've never seen someone cry before. I buried my face back into my scarf so no one could see me. I feel so embarrassed.

"Hey, excuse me? What did you say to her?" I hear a familiar voice. 

"Sir, I just told her she needs to leave, and she still does since the store is closing. You know each other?" I hear the employee say. 

"We do, but you can obviously see she's upset, how can you just kick her out?" This person gradually gets louder

Who is that? 

"I'm sorry." The employee says. I hear his footsteps walking away from us.

"How rude of him. Are you hurt at all, what's wrong?" This man says. I didn't want to talk or even look up at this person. His voice sounds so familiar but I can't make it out, for I am too sad to even try.

He grabs my hand and says- "I am so sorry about him, do you need anything?" He says sitting beside me. 

I don't say anything, I just can't help but keep crying. When he grabbed my hand I didn't want to let go. He is so warm, and gave me such a good feeling that someone actually is holding my hand, so I held on to him tightly. I don't even know who this man is or could be.

"I can get you something to eat over there at Wendy's? I think you need that. Food would calm you down." 

He gets up not letting go of my hand. He pulls me up and I get on both my feet, still crying, but only softer. 

"My name is Mark by the way."

Mark. Mark. I don't know a Mark, but his voice is so familiar. I don't want to look up at him just yet. I'm keeping my head buried in my scarf, it's cold out here anyway.

*Mark's p.o.v*

I feel so bad that, that guy was being so rude to her. At this point I already know that she isn't just crying about that guy, something is obviously bothering her in some other way. I can't just let her go off on her own.

I wish she would show me her face. I guess her crying like this, she doesn't want anyone to see her... and it's cold. The least I can do right now is calm her down, and get her something to eat. She has a tight grip on my hand, almost like she never wants to let go or she needs someone. I should be that person. I probably came across her for a reason.

I hold her hand and lead her to Wendy's in hopes she likes eating here. I hold the door open for her and she walks through still not letting go. Once in, it's practically empty in here, so I sit her down at the closest table. 

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get us something to eat." I say to her.

When I attempt to let go of her hand she pulls me a bit, letting me know that she doesn't want me to let go. "Hey, I'll be right back, I just have to make sure you get something to eat or drink to calm you down."

She lets go of my hand slowly and I go over to the register since no one is in line. "Hello, welcome to Wendy's. What would you like to order?" I hear the register lady say. "May I get a six piece non-spicy chicken nuggets and... a large coke." Who turns down chicken nuggets?

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I think it's about time I finally pick up my head from my scarf. I'm not crying as hard and this Mark person deserves to see what I look like at least. He's buying me food, and cared for a random stranger... why? Why did he even tell the employee he knew me? I look over at him to see he's waiting for the food to come. 

I wonder what he got me. Hopefully nothing big, I'm too sad to eat even a small chicken wrap, and I love those.

From the back, he looks kind of familiar, but I still can't make it out because I don't know a Mark. Unless he's just slipping my mind because I'm so sad. "Thank you so much." I hear Mark say as he picks up the tray of food.

I watch him walk over to the counter with napkins and straws. He picks up a pile of napkins and two straws. As soon as he turns around I almost dropped my mouth open. THE MARKIPLIER? MARK FISCHBACH? WHAT EVEN!

*Mark's p.o.v*

I stop in my tracks and smile. She is beautiful.

Thank you for reading the first part to my first story :). I SWEAR IT WILL GET MORE INTRESTING, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME!!!! If you want to see what comes next(AND I SWEAR IT'S GOOD) Add this to your library .. only if you want to though no pressure(just alil) lol. THANKS AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER BYEEE!!! XOXOXO

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