Chapter 2: An Open Door

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

Now is not the time to fan girl. I don't want to give off that kind of impression.

When we make eye contact he stops and smiles at the same time that I smile. Even though I'm smiling I can still feel a lump in my throat, begging to finish crying, but I don't want to. 

Mark continues his way to the table, and sits down in front of me. Should I tell him I know he's not only Mark, but Markiplier? 

No, not yet. I want to recognize him as Mark Fichbach.

"I got you a six piece chicken nuggets and we can share this soda. I didn't want to get you too much knowing how sad you are... by the way, it's nice to see your face." He said. 

I love chicken nuggets and no one has ever said it's nice to see my face in forever, so it made me smile. My smile did quickly fade away thinking about everything again. I look down at my tray deep in my thoughts.

"What's your name?" I hear Mark say. 

"Jenna." I quietly say.

I think Mark notices that I am starting to feel sad again because he's not saying anything and looks down himself. I grab my chicken nuggets and start to eat them. I can see at the top of my vision, Mark smiling when I do start eating. I can't believe that Markiplier bought me food, and is now sitting down eating with me.

What are the chances?

*Mark's p.o.v*

I'm so glad to see her eating after what happened back there. She even stopped crying, but it looks like she's holding back more. I wish I knew what was wrong. 

She has such a pretty name too, to match such a pretty face. "Do you want to talk about anything?" I say. She looks up and doesn't say anything.

It looks like she wants to say something but was choking on her words. 

"Not yet." I hear her say. 

She took the straw out of the paper, put it through the cup and drinks from it. I realize I watched her do this and look away before she notices me trying to hide a stupid smile. 

Before I knew it, she was eating her last chicken nugget. I take my straw out of the paper and put it in the cup.

Jenna looks up at me sipping the soda while chewing her last nugget. "I think it's time for me to go home now, so I should get going. Thank you so much Mark for all of this. You didn't really have to but I couldn't possibly appreciate this anymore then I already do." She says while getting up. 

She can't just leave like this. She didn't tell me what was wrong and I know she's still not okay to go out yet. "Jenna, you can't just go. It's late, and you are obviously bothered by something, I can't just let you out this late by yourself." I say

I am not taking no as an answer.

"Mark, I'll be fine, really I appreciate this. I think it's just time for me to go home before my Mom notices I'm gone." She says. 

I'm surprised... she snuck out? "So you snuck out?" I ask. 

Jenna looks down like she knows it's a yes but doesn't want to admit it. "Let me take you home. I'll feel a lot better." I say. 

I hope she takes me offer.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I don't want to go home, but I also did not want to burst out crying again in front of him since I need to very bad. I look up at Mark and he had a real look of concern. I couldn't say no for both our sakes. 

"Okay." I say. Mark let out a sigh of relief and got up from his chair.

"I suggest we go now before you get in trouble, I wouldn't want that." Mark says. 

I pick up the tray with our garbage and head for the trashcan. "Let me get that for you." Mark says. Mark takes the tray from my hand and throws everything away then places the empty tray on top of the garbage bin.

Such a gentlemen. 

I put my hands in my pocket and head for the door with Mark right next to me.

Come to think of it... Markiplier is with me right now. My Idol, my hero, my man crush Monday, the one I talk about 24/7 to friends that are sick of hearing about it. I dedicated my life to watching his videos and keeping up with his life. Here I am, walking out of Wendy's with him, holding in a massive cry that's itching to come out.

Once outside, we walk halfway across the parking lot to get to his car. He drives a blue 2014 BMW 435i. It's such a beautiful car. He gets his car keys out and unlocks the car. Before I can, he gets to the passenger door and opens it up for me and smiles. I didn't even think that guys still do this. Mark is just something special. I sit down in the car and look up at him to smile. He closed the door and walked around the car to get to the driver's seat.

I really don't want to go home.

*Mark's p.o.v*

When I get in the car it's kind of chilly, so I start it up right away. I have to sit here though for a bit so the car can heat up. I look over and Jenna is just sitting there, burying her face in her scarf again. She wants to cry again I know it. 

I turn the heat on and ask her- "How do we get to your place?" She looks up at me and thinks about it for a second. "You get on the --- Expressway, but on the other side of the overpass."

I put the car in motion and make my way towards the highway. The whole time at the corner of my eye I was watching her. She was squeezing her eyes as if she was crying, but not a sound came out of her. I want to stop the car so bad and hold her. "Make a left on the junction." I hear her say. She choked on a word. I go in the left lane. "Once you're on the --- Central, follow the signs to --- Blvd." Her voice kept draining during her sentence.

Once I hit --- Blvd, I asked her whether to make a right or left from the highway exit. "Right. Then go all the way down to --- St." I heard her say. Now that I think about it... does she know that I'm not just Mark but, Markiplier? No, she would have said something by now. She clearly saw my face. Maybe she's too upset to say anything. I should ask her. Or not. I don't know, I'll just see what she says. I look up and see the street sign for --- St, so I turn into it. "Continue to go up, I'll tell you when to stop." About three blocks down she tells me to stop.

It's a dark neighborhood, lots of trees, pretty quiet, almost no cars. I look over at Jenna expecting a good-bye. She takes a deep breath in, covers her face with her hands and starts crying so hard. I unbuckle both of our seat belts, lean over to her, and hold her. I can't help it, I have to.

"Imagine being neglected by your Father, and practically used, lied, and abused by the one boy you fell in love with. I'm stressing over upcoming finals and a regents I took today... because I can't find myself to concentrate. And meanwhile I have major self-esteem issues. I don't want to go home, that's the last place I want to be. I lead you to my friend's neighborhood not mine. I can't go home." Jenna just poured out everything to me. To be honest, I did not want her to go home either after what she told me.

"Jenna, you do not have to go home." I say.

Am I really going to say this?

"If you want, you can stay by me for the night?" I ask. I hope I did not kill what we already have by this question.

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