Chapter 24: Regret

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*Mark's p.o.v*

I look inside the mailbox where I saw Jenna take out her house key and see it sitting at the bottom. I grab it in a rush and unlock her front door. I shove the key into my pocket for now and enter her house.

"Jenna?" I shout out for her.

"Mark... I'm in the bathroom." I hear her voice call out.

I follow her voice into a small hallway, and see a light in a room turned on. I look inside to see Jenna sitting on the floor leaning against the wall.

"Oh God, Jenna. What did he do to you? Is he still here?" I say with a crack in my voice.

She nods her head no. Lucky bastard.

She's cut up, bruises on her thighs, her stomach, and... on her neck.

"Jenna... did he..."

She cuts me off and says- "No. Don't even say that word to me. Ivan would never."

"I just want to make sure."

I squat down to her and move the pieces of hair that's on her face. I cup her face and look her up and down once again, disgusted of what this prick did to my Jenna.

"You didn't clean yourself up?" I ask.

"What's the point? Ivan doesn't want me, you don't want me. I might as well just stay the way I deserve to be." She says.

"Jenna, don't you ever say that again. I'm bringing you back home where you're going to stay for a while longer and clean you up."

She moves her face from looking at me to the wall and says- "Oh... so it takes a complete beating from Ivan to get a day at Markiplier's house?"

She then laughs at her own "joke". I don't find it very funny. That actually really hurt. I do like her, and now Ivan is pretty much brainwashing her to think she's worthless, and now she's spreading it upon me? Not okay.

"No. Don't let Ivan, that prick of a human being, make you think such silly things. I like you so much, and care for you like you wouldn't believe, and just like the first day we met, I'm going to show it." I say.

I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the living room couch. I place her down gently and look around for her bags that she brought from my house.

When I see it I look at her and say- "I'm going to put you in the car then come back for your things okay? Don't worry, I'll lock up and everything, and put the key back in the mailbox."

Jenna nods her head in a way like she doesn't even care. Well, I don't care what she thinks, I'm doing this for her, and that's what's important right now.

I pick her up bridal style again and open the front door to take her to my car. I place her down in my backseat gently and strap her in. She doesn't move or say a thing to me.

Ivan really took everything from her today. It's all my fault, why am I so selfish?

I quickly dart back inside and get all her bags. When I get all of them, I rush back out, lock her front door, and put the key back in the mailbox.

I sit in the driver's seat of my car and start it up. I immediately put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway that I parked in. Once out, I speed down the small road and make my way back home... where Jenna belongs.


Traffic... great.

I look in the rearview mirror to peak at Jenna. Her eyes are closed and she's leaning her head on the head rest. Must be asleep. I don't want to disturb her. I focus back on the road and still no one is going anywhere.

I bang my head on the steering wheel getting easily frustrated at these careless drivers. It's like no one thinks everyone else has someplace to be.

Jenna is in my backseat practically broken over a guy who is preventing us from being together because of me. Because of me Ivan did this to her. I'm the reason why she lied to him, I'm the reason why she hasn't been talking to him. And then all because she didn't tell me she knew I'm Markiplier, I kicked her out.

How selfish of me. I'm no better than him pretty much. She's all bruised up, and even cut up. The best I can do when we get back home is wash her up, treat her new marks, feed her, and just make her feel at home again.

Since I kicked her out she's going to have to readjust, even though she left today, she took it pretty hard, and so did I. I'm glad to have her back... but not like this.

Forgive me Jenna. You know I like you so much. Please.


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Sorry about it being a bit late... I lost my internet connection and couldn't upload anything... sadly.

I love you guys!! Thanks for sticking around!!

Till next time...

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